new york botanical garden
so far, this year has not been ours. in fact, to be frank, it's kicking our asses. first with charlie's passing, then a few months later i was in the emergency room with eye problems that are lingering, and in september scott was there followed by a three day, 14 hour, 10 minute stay in the hospital. he's better now, but it was really scary and coming home alone on those days, pure misery.
but, today's horoscope might be words to live by from here on out -
'you have a great future but for some reason you seem more concerned with your past at the moment. put yesterday and last year out of your mind completely. what's done is done and cannot be undone.'
ok, i'll try.
xo, cindy
ps most of my photos from the past month are on instagram and i'm not sure about posting some here, too. duplicative? mobile photography is definitely fun with its instantaneous results, but it is killing my blog, and i don't think i'm the only one.