tunes : love this uk import

I just simply could not leave you for the weekend without a music recommendation. I learned about the snazzy English band Captain when I read they were going to open for Keane (not that I was able to go to the concert). Their up beat tempos can be a bit deceiving as their lyrics are sometimes a little bit dark. See if you notice. Rich in sound, quirky and interesting.

All right, for real this time, have a lovely weekend!

xo, Cindy
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Elizabeth said...

Cool tunes Cindy! You always have fun recommendations.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Thanks for the tip! Big Keane fan here- that would've been a great concert!

Mrs.French said...

Yay! I need to go have a listen...I love your taste in music!

Cindy said...

great - they're fun!

please sir said...

Neat - thanks for the recommend! I will def. have to check out.

SimplyGrove said...

Thanks for the recommendation! I am excited to hear them:)

Cindy said...

hope you like them!

Anonymous said...

ooh, sounds right up my alley! i'll have to check it out!

Anonymous said...

oh i am SO partial to uk bands - what a find! thank you so much!

Cindy said...

hope you like them jess & jen!