birthday's are but once a year : memories linger on : for always
Hi All -
I'm sorry to be a drama queen, but I am so swamped this week I have no time for a proper post. I do have time to share the pretty October flowers I received from the birthday fairy this weekend. The final Presidential Debate and final Project Runway are both on tonight at the same time! Decisions, decisions.
[Note: We watched the Debate, but McCain's excessive blinking hypnotized us and we dozed off for a bit. Yay Leanne!]
Hope your week is going well.
xo, Cindy
[Note: You must go see Sandra Evertson's Halloween Tail. It's incredible.]
eerk! The birthday fairy gave you some gorgeous flowers :) Have a great evening - whatever you decide to watch!
Fabulous blog!
thanks krissy - same to you!
sandra - wow, thank you!
What amazing flowers! Great job birthday fairy :)
Hang in there, darlin'! We'll be here, waiting to welcome you back to blogland :)
happy belated birthday, dear cindy! and those flowers are simply gorgeous. have fun on your tv-watching night-- i'll be doing the same thing! (and thanks so much for your kind, kind words on my blog today. it means a lot!) :)
those are the most gorgeous flowers i have ever seen.
Happy birthday!
For me it was debate/blogging tug of war. Thank goodness for the laptop... I can do both at once!
Hello....Project Runway is an easy choice for me!
These are gorgeous. Your bday fairy has a good eye.
I can't believe I missed the debate...I'll have to watch the recap. Hope you had a grand birthday!!!
thanks ladies! i take the flowers with me around our place wherever i go ;)!
GORGEOUS. i hope your week is easing up as weekend approaches!
much better kelly! thank you!
Happy belated birthday my dear.
the flowers are so lovely. how thoughtful of the birthday fairy to think of you. and no one is more deserving!
thanks traci and julie! i'm a lucky girl.
Amazing flowers - they are so perfect for the season!
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