bake : apple pie

apples : pie : home

Hi All -

Well, I finally got around to making Scott a pie from our apple picking in the Berkshires. It took me over a week to get to it as I don't bake as much as I used to. Throw in taking photos of the end product on a rainy day with only natural light from the window (or, lack thereof) and it's even more daunting. I really admire the talent of Aran and Helen in the kitchen and behind the camera.

Growing up my Mom did just about all of the domestic stuff in our house. She was a a great cook and made all kinds of fancy dishes, but sadly she never thought they were good enough. I was a domestic goddess in training at an early age though with an easy bake oven, pretend vacuum cleaner, sewing machine, and all kinds of craft projects. When I married Scott, I didn't know anything about real chores like food shopping, cooking, laundry, etc. I didn't go away to college, but he did, so he taught me. I would tease him and complain that I was 'burnt out' from all the stuff I did as a kid.

Then, I became a Martha-wannabe and turned 180° in the other direction. Although I didn't really have an interest in the day-to-day cooking, I would take care of the holiday feasts. I even went so far as to make that crazy puff pastry-wrapped turkey one year, which I think Martha even laughs about, now. It looks great until you try to carve the darn thing! I still enjoy reading the magazine Martha's team creates, but I have other things I like to do, lately.

In the interest of full disclosure, this pie was made using an improvised recipe and I didn't make the pastry crust from scratch. I was going to, but decided to just buy a frozen one - B. Smith's favorite from Pillsbury. While it was frozen, I transplanted it into my baking dish, added the apples and spices, and then put on the top crust. It tastes just fine and with those apples, you can't go wrong.

xo, Cindy


A Thrifty Mrs said...

Looks sooooo tasty.

cupcake studio said...

Mmm...looks heavenly!

Helene said...

Looks mouth watering and so juicy! That bowl of apples is perfect!

Laura said...

it looks delicious!

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

It looks great- save me a slice and I'm there :)

please sir said...

YUM - I instantly smelled apple pie after looking at your photos!

/// said...

oh YUM!!!

Anonymous said...

looks delish! i totally want to make a pie now. :)

Cindy said...

i understand why they say you should make an apple pie when showing a house that is for sale. the fragrance is all about being home. scott would happily share a piece with you krissy, or any of you!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, you sound so much like me when I was a little girl! I loved to pretend to cook and sew all the time. I also loved to rearrange my room all the time! Picture this 8 year old moving dressers, bed and all kinds of furniture. Sometimes I think I should have gone into interior design.
I use to make pies in college all the time,and host fancy parties, no binge drinking was allowed, only great food and wine were served. I was doing this before Martha even became popular :)
Have you ever used the Pate brisee recipe in Martha's pies and tarts book? I love how it comes out and I always use the food processor method. I"m not a big fan of most of her recipes,but this basic one is my go to for pie crusts.

Cindy said...

you can still be that interior designer, elizabeth! i have used martha's recipe and i had one occasion when it just crumbled into a million pieces. i couldn't revive it and didn't want to take a chance that it would happen this time as i had no time to fuss. but, i agree her recipe is very delicious!

Unknown said...

beautiful! i loved reading this and really enjoyed your story about the 180-degree turn to full-on domestic goddess.
the polaroids below are divine!

Grace said...

wow! it looks so delicious... and this is healthy, too... any recipe on this?

Rebecca said...


Fifi Flowers said...

BTW... thank you for sending me the book... NOW... what to do in it... hmmm

Cindy said...

thanks you guys! i used martha stewart's recipe for apple pie, but cut back on the sugar and used mostly mackintosh apples.

Mrs.French said...

my hero...pies terrify me...oh and your photos are wonderful..especially the top one! xo

Anonymous said...

I too admire Aran and Helen's photographic skills. Your apple pie looks yummy!