I love Sweet Peas, but they just won't grow in our tiny garden.
Hi Everyone -
I hope you all had a nice weekend! It was kind of gray and chilly here, but ok. We took Charlie to Wave Hill on Saturday and he was, well, bored to death! He didn't complain, but at one point, he's like 'it sure is quiet here'. Apparently, he had been golfing, to Atlantic City, and bingo last week. We need to do a better job with the entertainment so he'll continue to make play dates with us.
On the way home, we stopped at the video store with the cute parakeets I mentioned on Friday. We chose a movie, thank goodness The Reader was not available because it's just another movie where Kate Winslet takes off her clothes. While Scott was paying for the movie (RocknRolla, although I wanted Twilight), I was watching the parakeets like I usually do. There were two who seemed to be playing together. Then, all of a sudden, it turned into parakeet-porno! They starting having bird sex! It was broad daylight and the cage was on top of the rack with the Disney movies! After the incident with the hawk, I couldn't believe it. At first I thought it was because it's springtime. Then I realized I was wrong. Obviously, those parakeets saw The Reader ;).
See you later in the week with flowers & stone, plus the last step in our our digital lab - exposure. But, no worries, I don't have anything x-rated planned, yet. Happy Monday!
xo, Cindy
oh goodness! love is in the air. this weekend i witnessed the toads in the fountain outside of our apartment doing the dirty. three times.
the birds and the bees, great, happy to see you again !
Pretty pretty pictures! Is it bad that this post made me giggle like a little school girl?
Eek! Parakeet porno?! Springtime has been quite x-rated for you. :)
Thank you for the great tutorial on shutter speeds a few posts back...thanks to you, I'm finally dotting my Is and crossing my Ts of photography!
Hi Cindy, even the weather was a tad grey sounds like a nice one. Your flower photos are fab! Enjoy! xoxo
LOL - oh Cindy, that's just too funny :)
I just want you to know I'm desperately trying to 1) catch up on my fave blogs, of which you know yours is one, and 2) wrap my pathetic little pea brain around your amazing photography tutorials. Traveling and crazy end-of-the-school-year mayhem have been preventing the former, and the latter, well, I wish I had a legitimate excuse for that one! LOL! But I sure have *loved* your amazing photos, that's a given!
Glad to know all is well - and thanks for your blog comments :)
Megan :)
It's spring....all about the birds and the bees. A shy person (such as myself) doesn't know a safe place to look! :)
ooo-i love sweet peas...they were my wedding flowers and i melt alittle when i see them in a romantic puddle...
i guess they can't compete with atlantic city though;...poor charlie!
Oh my god, I just howled out loud! What a hilarious story! Way to go parakeets :) Gettin' it on with the Disney Princesses :)
This made me laugh. Thank you!
SO funny. you are so funny. have a great week!
even the birds are having fun. spring is here!!
What a cute story...did you just want to cover your eyes and give them a few moments of privacy... awkward! I can't wait to dig into your photo "ho-to" later this week.
P.S. Charlie sounds adorable...a man of action, none of this quiet flower stuff.
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