tunes : free keane

You can listen to the new album Perfect Symmetry from Keane on starting October 6th. I'm not totally in love with the first song I've heard 'Spiralling' (there's this 'oh ' sound that I don't quite love, yet), so I'm happy to get a full preview online. I think their last album Under The Iron Sea was perfection and it is very special to me. It will be hard to top the last one.

Perfect Symmetry is set to be released on October 13th and is currently available for pre-order on iTunes.

Happy Sunday!

xo, Cindy

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Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy! I really loved Under the Iron Sea- if only his lyrics weren't so feeling sorry for himself... (something I overlook because the songs were, as you say, perfection). Still, I hope he's a little more upbeat now. Dude, you're fantabulously talented! Be happy(ier)!

Cindy said...

i totally agree! a lot of the songs were written about tom who was having 'trouble' adapting to his new found fame and fortune. after listening to it way too much, it kind of got me mad like they were picking on him (so sad for me). i think i even posted something about it on their site when he checked into rehab (even sadder for me to care that much).

tom's voice is incredibly beautiful just like a typical english choir boy. the whole package, including magnificent art work from sanna annukka, was a coherent, mystical story. i was going through a tough time personally at the time, so it will always be special to me. i really love music a lot more now because of that album. it woke me up again musically. oh boy, get the tissues ;)!

Jude said...

I've already pre-ordered it on iTunes! I loved Under the Iron Sea (A Bad Dream was one of my faves) and welcomed them to the scene with Hopes and Fears. I haven't listened to anything from Perfect Symmetry yet but am hoping it includes more of their signature sound to put in constant rotation on the Playlist.

Cindy said...

me too, jude! i would listen to 'hamburg song' and just cry, cry, cry. in certain ways it reminds me of my mom at the time.

Mrs.French said...

Yippeeeee! I love these boys! thanks for the heads up. xo

aimee said...

i usually get a bit nervous when a favorite band comes out with a new album... i wonder, will i love it as much as i did the last?

hope you're having a great sunday :)

Elizabeth said...

I can't wait for some good tunes to come out, I like Keane a lot. I really learned a lot about British pop music when I lived in France,and would watch French MTV. Here you never get to see all the cool European videos!!!

Cindy said...

me too aimee!

Megan Coyle said...

It's so exciting whenever a band you like comes out with some new tunes :) I've realized it's been a while since I've listened to any new albums. And I have been so out of the loop that I didn't even realize Keane was coming out with a new CD.

please sir said...

Thanks for keeping us updated - can't wait to check out!

Cindy said...

i'm little nervous about this one, not sure i love it.

Anonymous said...

look at that backdrop! can you tell i'm obsessed with pattern? i seem to skip what the photo is actually about and go straight to the pattern in the background. :) i'll have to check out this album, though-- i like them!!

Cindy said...

i did notice that jess! i also love the backdrop and richard's sneakers (on the right) are very sharp.

Anonymous said...

yes! can't wait for tomorrow - and then kaiser chiefs and then snow patrol - what a month for a british invasion! ;)

Cindy said...

oh boy, i'm going to be broke! i just got the new guggenheim grotto and it is glorious!

Anonymous said...

oh you are SUCH a bad influence - just had a listen - wow - had to buy it! ;) thank you!

Cindy said...

it's better than i thought from the previews. i think i will like it very much. tom's voice is so incredible - sometimes, i just get chills.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Just previewed... can't say I love what I hear to buy it at the moment. So, I take back what I said above: I sort of prefer the melancholy sounds even if it means the lyrics make me want to cry. This seems a bit TOO light. I will revisit it from time to time... maybe it will grow on me. Thing is, I usually know when I love something right off the bat. Is It Any Wonder? was so incredibly addictive right from the first moment I heard it. The rest of the album just kept up with my initial expectations. Nothing on this album grabs me that way. *sad* I really need some new music in my life!

Cindy said...

i was on the fence based on the previews. the beginning of 'the lovers are lost' is weird and i don't love the 'oh's' in spiraling, but i do like this album. i haven't dissected it yet though, but really love the song 'again & again'. i'll have a review and a soon.

Cindy said...

i was on the fence based on the previews. the beginning of 'the lovers are lost' is weird and i don't love the 'oh's' in spiraling, but i do like this album. i haven't dissected it yet though, but really love the song 'again & again'. i'll have a review and a soon.