Hi Everyone!
It's not even Thanksgiving and I'm already muttering Bah Humbug! I'm definitely having one of those days where the image in my mind is not translating through to the picture. Something's not working with the little scenario I'm trying to create for a holiday card. I guess I'm stubborn, but I've changed it a dozen times in order to try and make it work. Maybe, I'll go for a walk and come back to it later?
In your work, are there times when you realize it's time to abandon ship and move on to the next thing?
xo, Cindy
Oh I think it is adorable! But if you feel unsatisfied...take your walk and come back...you may like it more!
This will make me sound like a quitter, but I abandon ship all the time on projects! Usually trying to force it only makes things worse, so I'll take a break and come back to it. (I do think that pic is adorable, too, though!)
I know that feeling! My advice is to just take a breather and come back to it later!
I always get tired of looking at something too long. If you put it away and come back to it in a few days, you'll have a fresh, new outlook!
(PS- I really like the theme :)
thanks guys! you are so right. at this moment, i can't see much of anything due to the glitter everywhere!
I really like the pic, too! I find myself in 'take a break and come back it it' mode quite often, and looking at something with a fresh perspective always helps, even if it's only to realize I need to go in a completely different direction.
all the time and I haven't even attempted my holiday card yet...oh and btw this is so lovely, everything you touch is...just saying...xo t
Oh yes... abandonment is a great part of the process. It's a little sad, but once I've moved on to the next successful thing, it seems a faded idea and less urgent. Christmas cards, like most things I do, are a last minute project. I still have 2 weeks before I start to panic!
i worked on something completely different today and it flowed so much easier. i think i'll move on. this photo is ok, but i think i can do better with something else. thanks ladies!
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