holiday : send a card

Hi Everyone -

Hope you all had a great weekend! As you know, Valentine's Day is in a couple of weeks and the holiday has special meaning for us. We met on our infamous blind date to the Ice Capades (see no. 4 here) in the first few days of February many years ago.

Scott sent me a Valentine's Day card that year with a personal note, which I have with every other card or note he has given to me. It's a pretty funny card by today's standards because he signed it Love, Scott. He also wrote a note about how he'd like to get together again and that I should call him. I think when we did meet again he gave me a single red rose and some candy. I wonder what would happen if someone did such nice things these days after all the books about the 'dating rules'?

Scott gets an A+ when it comes to cards and notes. Sometimes, he likes a card so much he'll buy it several times, but I think he forgets he's already done so. It's ok, at least his message is consistent ;). We don't make a big hoopla about the holiday, though. I don't always get flowers on the actual day, but either before or after. As much as I love flowers, I'll take them anytime and don't place an emphasis on a particular day.

I buy Scott a lot of cards, too. I'll put them on his inspiration board as a surprise, but he rarely notices. It's ok, because I kind of think they're more for me to look at, anyway. I recently added wonderful letterpress cards from Chewing the Cud and Twig & Fig, which are very cute.

Coincidentally, this year we each bought a card from Smudge Ink. You can see mine above (click on the image to see the full message), but his is turned over so I don't see it. I'm quite proud of myself for not peeking. I'm usually a peeker. He's also getting the Surprise-a-Sweetie card from SusyJack* and I can't wait to set it up the night before. He will notice this one ;)!

I also adore cards from You Send Me and it was one of the few Scott could purchase when I was selling my own handmade greeting cards. I think Scott will like this post and seeing that very first card. He likes cards. Me, too.

xo, Cindy


i.d. said...

This is SUCH a sweet post!!! You'll have to share what Scott does this year (no pressure on him, lol!). :)

Deniz said...

how sweet- I love it!Scott is a real gentlemen- show us that card after valentines pls :)

dee said...

That is adorable, Cindy...I never knew you met at Ice Capades! I love that. Paul gets an A+ in the card department, as well. He always buys me more than one on any occasion, and he writes the sweetest notes inside. Makes me step up my game beyond "Love, Melisa" on my cards!

Anonymous said...

lovely cards! love these design!!

please sir said...

Oh these are so sweet...I think you both get an A+ for cutest couple!

aimee said...

you met at the ice capades? that is fabulous!

Julia said...

What a delightful showcase of your cuteness! BOTH OF YOU!!!

Cindy said...

we're not that cute. we just buy nice cards that make us look that way ;)!

suzanne cabrera said... the multiples of cards. I know exactly how he must feel everytime he's strolling down the card aisle and finds the perfect one...again...and again...

Anonymous said...

What a sweet and romantic post!! I love that the "perfect" card remains perfect yer after year. Taking time to express one's love for each other is certainly the foundation for a successful marriage. I have saved every single card my husband has drawn for me (he is not a big stationery purchaser), and they are an amazing way to see how our relationship has flowered and bloomed.

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet that you have kept all of your cards and keep up the romantic gestures to one another. Awwww...


yasmine said...

this post made me "aw" :)

blue moss said...

soooo lovely and sweet...i love cards too!
your scott is fabulous..

Unknown said...

My heart is melting!

Vana said...

I love that you two buy cards for each other. Over at my end, my hubby never forgets but me...oh well, lil ol me does forget. and i should be ashamed...
BTW, i just added a couple of new valentine designs for notecards. Take a pick!