life : it's a roller coaster

Hi Everyone -

Well, our birthday celebration was definitely a highlight this past week. Other than that, we've been on a bit of a roller coaster. I knew change was in the air, but I didn't think it was going to be this intense. Here's a few things that have happened -

Wednesday : Good News
I registered for a ten-week Digital Photography course at the International Center of Photography with a very talented teacher - Keisha Scarville. I'm looking forward to it with nervous anticipation. The course is kind of expensive, so I hope I do well.

Saturday : Bad News
Scott's Mom had emergency surgery to repair a hole she developed in her intestine. She's doing well, but it's going to be an uphill battle for her. Scott's Dad is functioning ok, but he cries a lot and that is heart breaking. They'll be married 56 years this month, happily.

Monday : News
Like everyone else, business is down at Tusk and I found out I'm supposed to cut the time I spend working on marketing from 15 to 8 hours a week and come up with a plan. I'm really busy as it is and just hope they don't stop marketing entirely for their sake. The thing is marketing takes a lot of creative heart & soul and it always extends beyond the allotted time. At least, that's how it is for me.

We also just realized Easter is this weekend. I love Easter. Even though we've had a lot of heartbreak during the springtime, it's still my favorite season. It's no surprise - I love flowers. So, posting will be light this week, but I'll still be visiting your blogs.

xo, Cindy


Michelle Brunner said...

Enjoy your photography class! I just love taking don't appreciate learning until you are actually out of school it seems!

I am so sorry to hear about Scott's Mom. I really hope the recovery goes well. My thoughts are with her.

Love the flower photo...we just got blasted with more snow so it is always nice to see some lovely color!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

That is a lot of ups and downs. Thankfully it IS spring and that can be somewhat distracting (in a good way). Hope things work out on all fronts and that you have tons of fun and learning in your class.

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best with work, photography and your family... Life is fragile sometimes!!

Keep on smiling

blue moss said...

first and foremost...scott's parents, and you and scott are in my prayers. and i mean that...i have you on my list. it's hard to see someone you love so sad and hurting.
i do hope you enjoy your photography class...i already love all the photos....
also, i just realized about easter too...i have some cute, cute easter things and they are just sitting in a box. totally a shame! and i seriously need to buy some jelly beans
take care

Joyce said...

Cindy- I'm excited for you to be taking your class. I have been thinking of taking one too.

I am so sorry to hear about Scott's mom. If I think what she had happen to her... I went through this a 1.6 yr ago. The doctor nicked my inst and for 4 day I had toxin throughout my body... It has been a long struggle for me and will keep Scott's mom in my prayers she will recover quickly. Sending many hugs... xoxo

aimee said...

even when things are difficult you find the lighter, brighter side of it. sending hugs your way :)

jenb said...

you WILL be amazing in your class. i'm sorry about all the the unsettling things going on in your world. hang in there friend. xoxo

design for mankind said...

ohhhh tusk. tusk, tusk, tusk.

glad to hear easter will brighten things for you--- you've had a rough go-around lately, haven't you?

please sir said...

Cindy - 1. congrats on your class - it sounds amazing. 2. I'm so sorry to hear about Scott's mom. 3. I hope things pick up at Tusk. And 4. Easter is on it's way (one of my fav holidays too). Hang in there and eat chocolate bunnies - start with the ears to make you feel better!

Elizabeth said...

Big hugs to you both from a blog pal. Hope time makes things better.
Best of luck in you photo class, you will have to share some handy tips with us ;)

Unknown said...

so sorry to hear about scott's mom. good vibes are being sent your way for health & healing.

in the meanwhile - invest in some cadbury creme eggs. i hear they're good for you. ;)

marie-louise said...

Happy Easter!

Cindy said...

thanks so much everyone! i love all of the candy suggestions! keep 'em coming ;)!

hmstrjam said...

yay on the class at ICP!! should be a blast- have a great week and thoughts are with scott's mom and her surgery!!

Melissa de la Fuente said...

Oh, I am happy you are taking a course you are so excited about hun!
Undoubtedly you will do so very well! I am sorry to hear about Scott's mom, I hope she is feeling much better soon and though it will be a tough uphill battle I hope it is a shorter battle than expected. I am also sorry about the changes at work....I know that must be so tough. I am thinking of you both and hope you have a hopeful and bright Easter!

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

You're right--lots of ups and downs. "When it rains it pours" is so cliche, but so often true. 56 years of inspiring. This must be hard for Scott's dad and hard for your both to watch. My thoughts are with you. Hang in there work wise--you're talented and passionate about what you do--something will work out for you.

Glad you have the photography class as a creative outlet. I hope you'll share your homework with us. Take care xo

Megan Coyle said...

Good luck with your new class - it sounds exciting :) classes always help me get inspired.

and I'm sorry to hear about Scott's mom - I'm hoping for the best for your family.

Anonymous said...

Oh Cindy, life is just crazy sometimes, isn't it? I'm thinking of you!!

Pascale said...

That sounds like a roller coaster indeed - and more like a scary one, unfortunately... I'm wishing you and your family all the best.

Mrs.French said...

oh goodness...I hope everything turns out heart breaks reading about Scott's thoughts are with them.

Oh a positive note, I am so looking forward to hearing all about your photography class! I would love to take it with you...xo t

Candi said...

Sending you all lots of hugs, thoughts and prayers. Hoping Scott's mom and dad will be feeling better soon. They truly seem like the cutest couple everyone wants to be :)

I hope you both had great birthday celebrations, and I hope business starts picking up. You truly deserve it. Candi

julie king said...

i hope your roller coaster ride slows down soon. all best wishes for a quick recovery to scott's mom. my heart aches for his dad. i've seen it so often with my folks over the years. they'd each be lost without the other.

i'm sure you will excel in the photography class and i so look forward to seeing what you learn.

sending hope and inspiration your way on the job front!

meg said...

Oh gosh, a roller coaster indeed... I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

I am excited for you and your photography class - a bright spot in the roller coaster is always a good thing to look forward to.

Happy, Happy Easter - Meg :)

Fifi Flowers said...

BEAUTIFUL flowers!
YOur life sounds familiar... my grandmother had that problem... she is better... Scott's mother will be fine... positive thoughts!
I do marketing for a small company... and I got my hours cut back from 20 to 15... ugh!
Hang in there... everything will get better!

heather smith jones said...

My thoughts and prayers are going out to you and your family Cindy. You have had quite a week. I always tell myself things will work out, God is in control, even if I don't know how things will play out.
I hope you and your family have a great Easter weekend.

Julia said...

Oh Cindy! I'm hoping that Scott's mom is still on the mend and that his dad is finding peace in the midst of this storm!

I can empathize with the work situation, I feel like it's been one hell of a week, actually two weeks. I think more change is in the air, but this time in ways that we can control :)

Sending you both heaps of love!

cupcake studio said...

Just now catching up on my blog reading. I wanted you to know that we'll send up a prayer for Scott's mom. My dad went through something similar with his colon and it has been life changing for our family. The body and its ability to heal, is really quite amazing. Happy Easter to you & yours!

dee said...

That is a whirlwind week, Cindy! I hope you had a nice, restful time this weekend. And I hope Scott's mom is feeling better. I can't wait to see what you produce in your ICP class. I love your photos:) xx

Grace@PoeticHome said...

Cindy, here is a big HUG for you. I hope that your mum-in-law is quickly on the road to recovery, and I know that everything shall be sorted out for you quickly. You are such a positive, supportive person that the sun will be shining for you just around the corner.