We will take a day off to acknowledge the terrible tragedy that has occurred as a result of the earthquake in the Sichuan Province. We heard a sobering statistic today on the news : 1 in 50 of the earth's population lives in the region impacted by the earthquake. So much suffering, especially the 900 children who were in the school that collapsed.
this post just serves to further emphasize how blessed i feel today. my thoughts and prayers are with these people. thanks for the reminder!!
There has been a lot of disasters this last week throughout the world. The tragedy in Myanmar breaks my heart.
i couldn't agree with both of you more. these natural disasters make me realize even more how we are at the mercy of nature and it's a matter of luck.
myanmar is really disheartening as the aid is available, but the government is just not accepting it.
no complaining allowed here today.
Thanks for the reminder, Cindy--- and you're right. We have nothing to complain about.
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