Hi Everyone -
Although I'm learning a lot in photography class, it is kind of long. Three hour sessions once a week for TEN weeks - whoa! I'm too old. We have to come up with a personal project for the last class consisting of five printed photos. I thought I would do the five senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, touch) and I'd like to try to avoid flowers. Ok, maybe one with flowers - scent ;). Some will be challenging, so if you have any ideas about subject matter I'd love to hear them. I'm sure I will drive myself nuts with this project.
I've been running on empty this week for real. My gardening aches & pains are now residing in my left ear, which is killing me. I'm sure there's an alien in there as it's not your typical ear ache. I also heard a report on the radio about people involved in social networking feeling burned out by all the activity. I wouldn't say I'm burned out, but I am tired. I don't think I'm alone, either. I've definitely noticed a trend with others. Probably has to do with the change of season.
Hope you all have a nice weekend! I'm going to be taking a lot of naps and revive myself for our next digital lab and some favorite things next week. I hope.
xo, Cindy
Note: I just saw the commercial for Pixar's new movie Up in theaters this weekend. It's in 3D! I feel better already and these rainbows are sweet, too :).
Hi Cindy,
LOVE your new banner...excuse me if it's not SO new...lol...
I am completely burned out too and have a few friends who are feeling the same...lacking of energy!
you could go to a Blues/Jazz Bar and take some awesome pics of musicians-singers etc...
I think the 5 senses are a great idea!
Good luck...I'm looking forward to seeing the project develop.
Your "5 Senses" idea is genius - you will do *awesome* with that!
But your ear has me worried..... :(
Hi Cindy,
I hope you'll feel better soon! I know the feeling - I'm feeling a bit slow and tired too lately... I probably spend too much time on my computer...
I like your project idea. I would keep it simple - just B&W pictures of the body parts involved (though taste buds might be a bit hard, I just came to think of - but you might just photograph a mouth in that case). Very minimalistic, a bit abstract...
Well at second thought, maybe that's a bit too straight forward for a photography class... But I'm sure you'll find something!!
Good luck with everything!!
my teacher really liked this idea, which makes me nervous. she has an artsy approach and is very abstract. i'm not as complicated.
i like all of the ideas and think i'll make a list. as far as my ear goes, i think my parents lied to me about my age. i know they lied to me about THEIR ages ;).
no matter what you choose I hope you have fun, I think photograph is a state of mind too!
Taking naps sounds great I do it often when I'm tired..!!!
hope you have a great, great weekend!
taste- pic of a kid eating ice cream. all drippy and messy.
scent- any nearby fields of flower mass? profile pic in the midst of the masses? lower part of the face with nose & chin but in profile?
good luck! whatever you do will be great! enjoy the process and feel better.
Beautiful photos Cindy! I hear you about the overload. The last week or two I have been busy and missing my morning routine. I'm glad to not be alone. smile... Have a golden weekend my friend! xoxo
sounds like you have an ear infection - get thee to the doctor!
Hope that ear gets better! Have a lovely weekend my dear.
Dreamy room...
Hope you feel better now darling!
Lovely weekend & do take care + good rest okie~
Hi Cindy! Hope you're doing well. I know what you mean about being being burned out. Glad I'm not the only one feeling this way! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Lovely photos (as usual)
i like the idea of the 5 senses for your project.the thing that popped into my mind for feel is a child looking up while raindrops fall on her face. she has her eyes closed and is obviously loving the feel of the drops.
i have been absolutely worn out this week as well. i attribute part of it to the class i'm taking which requires a lot of brain poser and concentration. like you, i hope to sleep in and relax this weekend. take care, cindy!!
Yup. I hear you. Hope that earache goes away soon. I have been suffering from allergies like the dickens this year. I feel like winter has become that unwelcome houseguest who doesn't know when the party is over. There is some head-butting going on, and all of us people, plants and animals are in the middle! To your corners!!!
ooo--i hope you feel better soon cindy and the tiredness fades to energy with a little rest and staying off the computer!
i love your idea for your project:
i think it would be nice to take five separate days where you focus fully on each sense on each of those days and see what photos come out of it...what kind of subject matter draws you in when the focus is so specific, looking solely for subjects which evoke each sense. What an incredible way to begin to explore and express what each sense really means to you!
It's also an opportuntiy to focus fully on each sense, something not many of us have the focus to do...
however you decide to approach it, it will be wonderful, I know!
bon weekend!
thanks everyone! some sudafed and a couple real naps has the old ear feeling better. other than scott's exams (ouch!), i think i can avoid the doctor this time - fingers crossed.
i love all your suggestions about the sensory project and deb's idea to focus on one sense a day sounds like a great approach!
we saw 'up' today and it took us up! so neat, especially in 3D. enjoy the rest of your weekend!
I hear you...sometimes I get burnt out with all the self-imposed To-Do lists. But then I can completely recharge with a simple breakfast outside with Paul and the dogs. Or a good workout. Or finishing all the laundry. You just need to step away sometimes and soak in all the good stuff. Remember that you're doing this for fun...the blogging, the photography, all of it. And that you're really good at it, too:)
I think you could do something fun with the taste bit. It's a great concept you've come up with, and I feel like strawberries have been a favorite of mine lately...not just to eat but in lots of photos I've seen. So, there you go, my suggestion for the day. Have a relaxing Sunday, my dearie!!
michelle's declaration of war on allergies is too funny.
thanks bee - i think you're right. sometimes, i forget this is all for fun, especially when i read 'pro blogger'. taste seems to be the most popular sense. some luscious ice cream and strawberries sounds good if only for research ;).
Country house, here I come!
can;t wait to see more of your photography class photos!
I'm fresh out of ideas, but can't wait to see the final results of your project. Good luck and rest up! :)
let us know what you decide---i am really interested inthis project!)
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