do you see the words on the
pencil? explore. dream. discover.
i didn't plan it, just needed a green pencil for a prop!
hello, hello! i've completed the final phase, way forward, of
the institute of you program, and it was a breeze. kind of like that victory lap athletes take after they're won the race or the stanley cup or whatever. this final phase helps you take all the work you've previously done and put it into actionable items in three exercises:
- my time - using the saying no & reprioritizing project exercises, you create a daily schedule of activities by allocating real time for the new projects you might want to work on going forward. i'm still fine-tuning this as there are certain activities i naturally gravitate to at certain parts of the day and i'd like to work that in.
- next actions - this exercise seemed a bit duplicative of the saying no & reprioritizing project exercises, so i didn't complete it (cheater!). i had created a detailed project planning list in the backcasting exercise and felt i had moved on at this point.
- get on a roll - this is the coolest exercise and it will be ongoing. if you've ever had a streak you know you don't want to break it. so, by checking off each day you work on one of your goals no matter how big or small you are nudged in the most subtle way to keep going.
{this post is my version of
war & peace ... you'll see it never ends}
so, after completing the program, my personal vision statement is -
i am working in the role of collector, where i am doing photography, writing & exploring. the people i work with are smart, authentic & loving. together, we are working to share my perspective on the pretty things in life, which makes me feel like jumping out of bed, everyday.
in the end, it's not
that surprising to me or as different from my current snapshot as i originally thought, which is a relief. i'm still fine-tuning it a bit (not sure about the word 'pretty') and the reference to collector is meant to apply to many things - images, objects, experiences. i have a long list of things i'd like to do. some i will and some i won't, which is ok. here are a few -
things i will do
- blog - change the name to replace 'handmade'; develop a flexible editorial calendar; expand my horizons for content.
- photos - develop a wish list of publications/sites to submit my work to and submit it; create a new blurb book all about flowers.
- me - stay focused; expand my network; celebrate the successes, minimize the flops and accept that they both will happen.
things i might do
- blog - after the name change, migrate to a new address; advertise.
- photos - sell some; new blurb book/magazine with never before seen work.
- shop - open a vintage shop on etsy.
- me - get a pet - birds or a dog.
{see, this post is just like the energizer bunny ... it just keeps going and going}
i hope i can do all of those things and then some. i've already submitted a photo to a very sweet blog (it was accepted) and had an inquiry for a blogging gig that i turned down because it didn't quite fit into my personal vision. i think having a plan is going to make all the difference. i really loved this program and got much more out of it than i expected.
thanks to all of you for joining on me on this journey and your words of encouragement & advice along the way. also, thanks to trish from
the institute of you for all of her help and support.
xo, cindy
ps this is a special playlist with a song representing how i felt during each phase. there are particular lyrics that resonated with me, but i'll spare you that much detail. official videos are included, when available.
- Aims - drive by incubus.
- Reflection - looking back by keane featuring k'naan.
- Reality - endless corner by lior. the camera work in this video makes me dizzy so i don't watch it. love those strings, though. my first choice was i'll take it from here by jonatha brooke, but i couldn't find a full version online.
- Options - in this phase i enter the darkness with crawling by linkin park, which contains lots of screaming. lightness soon follows with breathe from anberlin. my eardrums were happy.
- Way Forward - my best days are ahead of me by danny gokey.
{ahhh, do you hear that? the sound of silence, finally}