“Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”
- Henry James
maybe it has to do with lovely summer afternoons, but i was trying to maintain two blogs and it's too much for me as a blogger. what was i thinking? i had a plan for the other one, but i'm going to change the plan. i think it might also be hard for readers to keep up with two blogs from one person, unless each one is really distinct.
home is where the heart is and that is here, even though we might consider a name change. i'm not sure how 'handmade' fits in here as i came up with it when i started sewing and do more than that, now. not sure, but i do feel the need to re-arrange the furniture, a bit. hope that's ok? i've started with the front door (blog banner), but will continue to fiddle around. there are a few recent posts from the other blog i'd like to bring in here, but i won't do so all at once. hope you have a wonderful weekend!
xo, cindy
I love how everything is looking! I understand about "rearranging the furniture" I am getting antsy to do that to my blog as well...it is good to keep things fresh I guess.
Your summer pictures are wonderful as usual, the colors are amazing!
Oh, yes...change is good...even though I love your new banner and think your blog is easy to get around...i too would like to re-arrange.I need to put blogs I most frequently visit in my Must-reads...yes, I have lots to do too....but first a whole week of relax. Did you see the cottage we're staying at?
The feeling is quite understood :) I love the new banner and can't wait to see what else you "fiddle" with! Something about style, creativity, character and love... those are the things I think of when I think of you!
Have a great weekend you guys! Love to Scott and Charlie!
It is very hard to keep up two blogs...I can relate!! Don't let it overwhelm you...remember it's for fun:) PS love the bottom two photos especially!
I love the fresh coat of paint on the front door! I like that you are bringing it all together. This way I can embrace all that you do and love.
Have a golden weekend my friend! xoxo
Love the banner, and I've always loved the name!
my goodness, i can't imagine keeping up with two blogs! and i love seeing your photographs on this one! i think i need to go find myself some more cherries! xo, erin
Looking forward to seeing how your new blog takes shape!! Those cherries look amazing. Love the banner too!!
love the new font door
i am in the same situation and have been thinking of closing down the second one.
looking forward to see what changes you will do
and the photos are truly beautiful and so is the quote
happy weekend
Yes, yes, yes...change is good. Everything is looking wonderful--these photos capture summer sooooo well! Have a great weekend Cindy.
That fruit looks soooo delicious!
i love the new banner, didn't get a chance to see it until we got home...the iphone screen just didn't do it any justice ;) and these summer photos, so fresh!
the new header is just right and so you! i like it very much. your blog has a nice fresh look and feel which i enjoy. so many blogs are heavy and dark with way too much going on.
the photo of the cherries is by far my favorite in this post! i really adore it!
The blog banner is GREAT! Tweak away! Can't wait to see what else you modify!
thanks you guys! i'm sure most of the changes will be subtle and some have happened, already. something else with the pics, maybe. the name is confounding, but i don't expect anything dramatic 'quaint _______'. i've noticed a lot of people have a blog name that doesn't match the url, so i feel relieved about that. renovating is fine, moving is not ;). enjoy your weekend!
so sweet I love to visit you!
Love the gorgeous photos. I totally forgot you had the other blog (I'm so bad) I'm glad you are bringing some here. Your name fits in my opinion...
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Rabbit Rabbit :)
thanks, krissy and omami! i forgot rabbit, rabbit until later in the day :(. but, i was right on time if we were in california ;).
I think quaint handmade still fits you wonderfully, as your photographs are not only "handmade," but always capture the quaint charm in every day life. Nonetheless, I really like your new banner and look forward to the rearranged furniture :)
thanks so much! a couple of months ago, someone said we needed a blog makeover with our name because it has nothing to do with photography. but, our blog is about our lives together and we don't live large. we also appreciate the handmade whether it comes from us or others. and, everything is handmade if you think about it.
I like the new banner. It's nice and "fresh".
I've been thinking about my blogs too, lately. I added a new blog to the main one, only recently, intended just for photographs - the ones that don't fit in or don't serve the purpose of my main blog. I've neglected it recently, I've noticed... Sometimes I even wonder about my "main blog": has it any relevance at all? There are so many good blogs out there (like this one here!!). Maybe it's just a phase... but I agree, change is good, and maybe that's just what my blog needs... Need to think about it!
i love your blog pascale and would miss it. you do live in paris and i enjoy your stories and photography! qh, the other blog and flickr? that's too much for this girl and the world! i can do it all here. i want to get back to basics and keep things a bit more simpler so people aren't bouncing all over the place, including us.
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