tomatoes from the garden are healthy.
pinkberry frozen yogurt with strawberries and granola is pretty healthy.
cool oreo straws and strawberry milk is borderline healthy, but the most
fun of them all!
our weekend got off to a shaky start after scott received a call from charlie saying he was going to admit himself to the hospital! turns out, he's never been to a doctor, and after some encouragement, chose that route. after all, a urinary tract infection probably doesn't warrant a trip to the emergency room. to be 86 and never really been to a doctor. not bad. we did go to the central park zoo with charlie and talked to the animals in search of the snow leopards. details later.
hope you had a nice weekend. we're halfway home to the next one!
xo, cindy
This looks so delicious - and mighty healthy if I may say so. Glad Charlie is doing better.
thanks for the Charlie update, hope he's feeling better! that shake looks delicious!
Oh, the tomato pic is gorgeous, but the oreo straw!!! get outta town! :)
I'm glad Charlie is OK. Ouch to the urinary tract infection. I hope he is feeling better today. I'm glad your weekend ended on a high note and you had fun at the zoo. Give my best to Charlie!! xoxo
so delicious... great pictures my dear!!
you are welcome to visit my new blog!!
have a happy week!
Yum indeed and your photographs are stunning!
Olala, you make me hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pinkberry is definitely healthy ;)
Yum is right!
Yummy pictures!
I love the table cloth in the tomatoes picture and the pinkberry frozen yogurt with granola looks really delicious!
Cindy, your blog looks beautiful and I love your photos! Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my blog. You seem like such a nice person. xo
Okay, that strawberry milk nearly DID ME IN!!!
Thank goodness Charlie is all right and it was nothing terribly serious! That scared me! Glad you still got to go talk to the animals - I'll look forward to the report (and hopefully the pics?)!
Meg xoxo
Glad Charlie is alright- hope he will be completly well soon!
your photos are sooooooo sooooo soooo amazing! i have been thinking about trying food photograpy- i am in orr of you cindy!
do have any tips for me?
am going to enjoy looking at the photos now
enjoy the rest of your week
These images are amazing! Did you take them? I am soooo impressed!!
What delicious pictures--they're making me hungry! And I'm looking forward to seeing what zoo pictures you post.
I actually stumbled upon Eric Carle's blog the other day when I was doing a bit of research on him after going to an exhibit of his illustrations in D.C. His process is fascinating--I highly recommend watching footage of what he does if you haven't yet.
your tomato photo look so retro. i love it! and oreo straws?!?... really??? i gotta get me some! hope all is well. besos-jane
i forgot to mention yesterday how much i loved the shot of the frozen yogurt. so here i am now. i love, love it.
Those images are simply delicous and so is your blog so happy I found it :)
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