hello, hello! thank you so much for your loving comments and emails about charlie. they are very special and i can't wait to show him. everyone's spirits are up and we're ready to play the hand we're dealt, i think. this week i'm super-busy finishing up a work project, but hope to be more human by next week. have a great one!
xo, cindy
ps as much as i miss my mom's laundry line, i'm not sure i would hang it out the window in the city and those containers of impatiens are up about 15 feet. cool.
Good to hear you're looking up! AND heading forward.
We're all thinking of you and Charlie.
Have a good week.
I am so glad to hear everything is looking up.
My mom did the laundry line too and I still can remember the smell of the laundry.
Onward and upward, ready to take on the fight. I'm keeping Charlie and you and Scott in my heart.
Those laundry lines! Hahahaha. In Japan, so many people air dry their wash. They occasionally have problems, however, with perverts sneaking around to snatch ladies' undies.
yes, you must keep looking up, that's very good advice. sending good thoughts to you & your family.
My best to you, Charlie and Scott. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.
I remember growing up with fresh clothes on the line. I wonder why we stopped doing this.xo
I love these two pictures, Yes this first one is a classic keep looking up!!!
Lovely pictures :) and I hope everything is going well. My best to you and your family!
glad you are looking up--i know how hard this all can be...feel the feelings--it's all you can do...xoox
The juxtaposition of these photos is quite something!
I just enjoy using that word: juxtaposition. :)
good to hear! i am so glad.
funny how little details effect us :) made me think of my mothers laundery lines.....
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