fujifilm instax | a couple more of the bus in full here
when i was in brooklyn with jen, we came upon the one million acts of kindness bus. have you heard about this before? after 9/11/01 and the shootings at virginia tech, bob decided he had enough of the violence and was going to do something. he bought a bus on craigslist, had his friends & family paint it and is spending 10 years traveling around the country with his dog bogart spreading the word. the goal of the project is to encourage each person to perform one million acts of kindness in their lifetime and that sounds good to me.
something else that sounds good to me is the italian band - il volo. i saw them on american idol this week and at first was amused because they don't really sing in a style i usually like - kind of old-fashioned. but, after listening to them for a while, i think they're great. and, the dude in the red glasses is so cute. listen to the girls squeal when he sings, but that's not me. really ;). enjoy your weekend!
xo, cindy
how great is it that we got to see the bus? bob's story is pretty cool.
Il VOLO (the flight) they are AMAZING!!! Love the red glasses and the eye brows which have character of their own...hheeehee...how old are these guys?
They'll be BIG World wide soon I think!
That's a great Bus...
AND a great story!
Have a great Sunday Cindy.
That's AWESOME! Okay, if I live another 30 years, I need to do about 91 acts of kindness to make a million. Oooh, better get started!
Not only a wonderful idea, but colorful. I am glad you got to see the bus. xo
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