thinking about it

i'm not sure the world needs another blog, but i'm thinking about it. i guess the question is - what can i write about on a regular basis that adds something new? here are a few ideas:
  1. live in nyc - sights + sounds.
  2. experience in small businesses + marketing = tips.
  3. started my own wholesale handcrafted stationery business = experience.
  4. want to start a new handmade business to sell retail = start-up process.
  5. love to make things, all kinds of design, and music = talk about it.
if you find your way here and have any ideas, please leave me a comment.


/// said...

We do! We do!

Cindy said...

erin, you are so cute. you're the reason i'm even considering jumping into the blog pool.

/// said...

Ahhhhh, I'm so honored!! Really, I think that everyone can offer a unique perspective on a lot of different topics, and why not utilize that voice to inspire others?

I'm game to read ANY and ALL that you listed... ;)

And thanks SO much for your sweet comment--- I'm loving Roadmaps already; it's so fun for me, as well! :)

Cindy said...

i think the technology makes it easy to get started, but a consistent message that adds value, not so much. i'm going to create a "roadmap" before i start this journey. i'll keep you posted for sure! thanks for the encouragement!

please sir said...

Cindy - all the topics sound great - especially about starting up a business. Any valuable info. you have to share on that would be fantastic!

Laurie Coyle said...

I second Diana -- info on starting a company would be great, and I always love when bloggers include info on their environment/life, sights and sounds. I guess I like to know where inspiration comes from for others. :)

/// said...

I'm ready--- post away! :)

Anonymous said...

hi cindy! thanks for the note on my blog! i loved your comment over at decor8. :) and yes, my log list is ever-growing, too!

i think all your ideas for your blog sound fantastic, too! i am particularly interested in your small business marketing ideas and experience.......

can't wait to see what you come up with!