fun : award & tag

wore many hats as a kid : not so much now : but, i do love them

Hi Everyone!

A few weeks ago the adorable Ellia awarded us with the 'I Love Your Blog' award and last week sweet Melissa tagged me with the '7 Random Facts Meme', so here goes:

1. I wore many interesting hats as a kid. I never wear them now, but have a small collection of vintage. Actually, I'm kind of obsessed with my hair.

Mom : Me : Aunt Caroline
Where are their hats and my front teeth? Why me, why anyone?

2. When I was 10 years old my Grandpa was probably around 70! Whenever he would visit I would ask him to play cards with me. I 'won' a lot.

3. While riding a bicycle, I can turn the corner without holding onto the handlebars. It's a wide turn, but I haven't wiped out, yet.

Did I dress myself that day? Look at the tilt of the hat and the hands in pockets.
Wish I still had the tree, but do have the handmade humpty dumpty.

4. Scott and I met on a blind date. We went to the ICE CAPADES with two other couples and their KIDS! Isn't that a crazy? And no, we've neither been back to the Ice Capades nor expect to do so.

5. My father-in-law calls me 'Miss Accurate' because I like everything just so. Fortunately, I'm not as tyrannical about it as I used to be ;).

Hey Grandpa, wanna' play cards?
But, please don't mess up the table. It took me an hour to get it just so.

6. I don't like to read instructions and would much rather spend countless hours trying to figure things out myself. On the other hand, if I don't know something I'll spend countless hours researching it. I suppose I'm a walking contradiction.

7. I think Steve McQueen is. the. man. But, Daniel Craig has enormous potential. If he starts racing cars in real life or some other macho activity, it could be a problem.

Now, it's my turn to pass on the love to a few others if they want to play along, too -
  1. Aimee
  2. Diana
  3. Jess
  4. Julia
  5. Krissy
  6. Livy
  7. Suzanne
xo, Cindy


Mrs.French said...

I loved this! I am beyond bad when it comes to tags...I think I may just share yours...we do have a few in common...I think you should still where fabulous hats! xo t

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

How fun...I love your hat collection and what a great group of vintage photos...many of the items are so "in" now. :) I will do my best with the just might take a few days. Thanks Cindy...I loved getting to know more about you. That's so cool you and Scott met on a blind date.

Bonbon Oiseau said...

love it
(steve mcqueen is TOTALLY the man...and i agree @ daniel as well...)

Michelle Brunner said...

I love your pictures! What a cute idea:) Your hats are great! I think Daniel Craig is pretty cute also:)

Laura said...

haha, this is so fun!
& the pictures are amazing!

also, it seems we have a couple things in common:
1) i lost both of my front teeth at the same time, too! what a terribly awkward couple of months.
2) i, too, have mastered the no-handed turn. what a rush every time!

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

Oh Cindy,
You are too great! I love all of your hats :) Thanks for the tag. Hopefully when things get less crazy on me I'll have some time to be as creative as you!!

Anonymous said...

You are sooooo cute, Cindy! And I loved hearing about your first date :)


please sir said...

Thanks for the link love - it's great to learn more about you! You deserve the honor - your site is always a refreshing read!

Elizabeth said...

Love all your kid pictures! Some of them really remind me of my own. I especially love the one where you are sitting at the small table :)

aimee said...

these photos are absolutely fabulous! i am crazy about the one with your mom and aunt caroline, and OH, that hat you're wearing!

now that you've tagged me, i may have to dig out the old photo box too...

Anonymous said...

These made me howl with delight! Thank you so much for the fun and the curious details. Each piece I find out about you, the more I like you!

Thank you also for the nomination! I'm tickled pink! Just pink, pink, pink!

By the way, thank you also for your note of understanding yesterday, I'm so glad I'm not alone in my horror of crazy co-workers :)

Do you still wear hats?

Cindy said...

i take a while for tags, too - no worries. this took me a bit of time as i tend to try to make it just so ;).

my brother recently gave me my mom's photo albums for a birthday present. it's been fun to look at them. i have more pics with hats, too.

all right laura! and, no, julia i rarely wear a hat these days. hat hair-phobic ;)!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

I'm with you aaaaaaaaalllllll the way on #7.

I love all your hats! said...

That picture of you in the hat is so cute!

evencleveland said...

Agreed - that hat picture is too fabulous for words!

yasmine said...

you're such a doll :) so cute!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your well deserved award! I love your pictures, thanks for sharing them with us. You were such a cute little kid! Grandpa's are the best :)

Deniz said...

LOL- this was so much fun to read- thanks for sharing all those details with all of us!

Helene said...

Fun to see we have 2 things in common: hats and Daniel Craig!! I wear hats all the time and I was so happy when my grandmother gave me a couple of her vintage hats before she passed away. Wish I knew how to make them or had time to learn!! Great meme!

julie king said...

fun photos and those hats!!! too cute!

Cindy said...

you are so lucky to have some of your grandmother's hats, helen. very special.

thanks, julie!