fun : ten honest bits

Hi Everyone -

I hope you all had a nice weekend! The weather here was really great and we visited my brother in New Jersey for his birthday (more on that later). Beautiful Jewels from Red Otter gave me the Honest Award recently, which requires sharing ten honest bits about myself. So, here goes -
  1. Seem to organize things by color, a lot.
  2. Love blouses and don't really mind ironing them, too much. I also iron Scott's shirts.
  3. Literally lost my shirt the other day. I was sure I put my bright pink t-shirt into the hamper. It's gone, gone, gone. It's normal for socks to go missing, but a t-shirt?
  4. If Scott didn't feed me I wouldn't eat healthy food. He has to make sure I have something to warm up for dinner when he works late.
  5. Love the kids pack at the movies - Skittles & popcorn. M&Ms & potato chips/pretzels are really good, too.
  6. My nose, hands and feet are often cold.
  7. Very sentimental and always look for the hidden meaning in things.
  8. Don't like talking on the telephone, especially cellphones. I would be lost without email.
  9. Arm chair traveler and blame it on living in the greatest city on earth, although I haven't been to that many other cities.
  10. Can be quite disciplined. I recently bought two sundaes at Carvels and took them both home to put into the freezer for later.
If you're reading this, consider yourself a winner of the Honest Award and feel free to share a tidbit, too. Scott is visiting his Dad today and teaching him how to make his famous roast chicken, playing cards and probably going food shopping. They love to do that. Hope you have a great week!

xo, Cindy

PS This Wednesday, I hope to share some of the things I learned in my first photography class. Shifting from automatic to manual settings is quite a challenge. But, we can do it!


erin said...

what a great post! i love the photo of your closet (i organize mine by color too (including the color of the hangers) clearly, i need to find more things to do with my time...or wooden hangers that i won't have to worry about the color...happy monday!

Unknown said...

great post - your closet is sooo tidy! mine's not organized by colour but by type (blouses, t-shirts, etc) but maybe if i find the time, i'll do it by type AND colour.

.. ha. who'm i kidding?!

Anonymous said...

I have to stop myself from buying blouses, because I don't iron the ones I have! Although now that I'm ironing my husband's shirts, I'm more likely to iron my own stuff out of the dryer.

I lost a sweater recently frustrating! It's got to be somewhere in the house.

hmstrjam said...

love the pastels! love those m&m's especially, gobble gobble

SimplyGrove said...

I LOVE the images you took!!!! And it was fun reading about you...I also color coordinate everything!

Michelle Brunner said...

I love your pictures! Your blouses are so pretty and colorful:) I also organize my closet by color, I find it really helps in finding items! Can't wait to hear about what you are learning in your photography class:)

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

So funny, I'm right with you on #6. I always wondered why my nose?!

Great pics, wow miss color-coordinated. I'm impressed!

Waxy said...

Nice closet - if I did that I would wear the same things every week - so I have to put clean stuff in the back!

Sarah said...

right with you on #8!! great post!

Dallas Shaw said...

ahhh, these photos are so inspiring!
I organize by color also, but don't photograph it enough

blue moss said...

oh my....can i just live in your's so pretty. love that you organize by color and your other pretty photos. can't wait to hear what you share.
i,too, lost a shirt in my house the other favorite white cotton eyelet cami...the only one that looks good with skirts... wish i had just lost a pair of socks :)

Candi said...

No wonder I like you so much, I am 1, and 5-10 also! How was your weekend? Hope Ms. Helen is doing better! :)

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Great post! Inspires some ideas for future blog posts for me! I'm looking forward to what you learn in photography class. I've never been able to take decent shots manually. Too many variables for me to have to consider and too many buttons for me to have to push. Teach us!!!

Cindy said...

the closet is so small - only about 3.5 feet wide.

i'll try, pj :).

helen is hanging in there, candi.

Anonymous said...

great post + photos .. thanks for sharing. i'm an email girl too ... don't like the phone : )

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you... Love the photos your so organize, and by colours great!!!

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos!! and my hands, feet, and nose are always cold, too. :)

Julia said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVED this post :) You are so beautiful and perfect in your color coordination! I especially love the M&M's at the top!

please sir said...

I love this post and your photos made me smile with delight. My closet is color coded too - so I'm sooo there with you. I also tend to always be on the cold side. Give me heat and a warm car...ahh heaven. Great post!

Candi said...

She's one tough cookie! :) Hugs to you and the family!!!

Oh and I tagged you too :)

marie-louise said...

I'm so very impressed!!!!!

Grace@PoeticHome said...

What a wonderful, honest post Cindy! I love that you arrange things by color, as well as the fact that you like to look for the sentimental side in events and things. I too am always seeking for the deeper meaning, the nostalgic connection between people, things, and places.

I look forward to your first photography lesson and its lovely results!

aimee said...

may i please have ten honest bits from that little tray of m&ms? :)

Elizabeth said...

I'm excited to see what you have learned, and it was fun to read the 10 honest things about you :)