Helen & Charlie : April 26, 1952
Hi Everyone -
I wasn't sure when I would be posting again because I really lost my mojo. My father-in-law, Charlie, must of had a sixth sense and cheered me up in his own way. I just realized that I've known Charlie longer than my own father who passed away when I was fairly young. Needless to say, he's a pretty important person to me.
While Charlie's bride, Helen, is recovering in the hospital he's been looking through all of their papers to keep busy and uncovered some incredible treasures from their wedding day in April 1952. He said I could borrow them to photograph and seemed pretty easy going about it. Until yesterday, when he sent this message to me through Scott, 'Tell Cindy I made a list of everything she took." Took, took - there's no need to use four-letter words! I borrowed them and here's my message to him, 'That's very nice, but can you find the list? And, "One more word and those 'diamonds' are going to the pawn shop and you'll have to explain it to Helen when she gets home." Anyway, here are some special things from their wedding day, while I still have them ;) -

Helen's gorgeous engagement & wedding rings, plus the appraisal. Charlie never wears a wedding ring (wish he would find it) because he owned a furniture store and it was always getting hooked on things. I added a pocket knife because he always carries one, but the top photo doesn't have it. Lilacs are Helen's favorite flower.

I'm partial, but I think they are the cutest couple ever.

He found the receipt from their honeymoon at the Elbow Beach Surf Club in Bermuda. The room rate was $34 a night and it includes a tuxedo rental, plus some laundry. Around their 50th Wedding Anniversary the hotel contacted them and offered the room at the same rate, but they weren't up for the trip. A few other things - Helen & Charlie were set-up by Helen's friend. Her daughter set-up me & Scott. We were married in the same church. Isn't that neat?
Tomorrow is the first session of the photography class I'm taking and I do hope to share some of the things I learn with you and catch up with commenting on your blogs (I have been quietly reading them).
xo, Cindy
So sweet. I love their wedding photo.
love the rings! who's doing the pawning?? mojo will return! inspiration can be found all around you!
i will be visiting the pawnbroker if i hear any more lip, but i'm kidding, of course. you are right, inspiration is in abundance, but so are come and go tears.
Oh wow these photographs are stunning - and such a special way to re-capture this event. Great work!
What wonderful treasures Cindy. I love that your father-in-law thought to share these with you...what a special man.
How beautiful are they!
I hope Helen gets better soon.
Keep your spirits up Cindy!
he is definitely a collector and has many interesting collections. at 6'4", he's also the biggest softie i've ever met ;).
Thank you for sharing those special treasures with us Cindy! Such lovely memories!
Best wishes while Helen continues to recover and you continue to fight the mojo battle (I'm having one too - you're not alone!).
Meg :)
I am so glad you and Charlie are willing to share these treasures! Best wishes to Helen for a speedy recovery. The photography class sounds exciting - can't wait to hear more about it and see some of the images you will create. I hope you will come out of the blogging doldrums. I know how it feels to get stuck, so just hang in there. Please know that we all need your wit and artistic flair...
I'm sure the photography class will bring back your mojo! Enjoy!!
i love this idea. you've brought all of these little objects to life in the sweetest way. quite a tribute!
What an incredible story! I'm so glad he was able to part with these treasures for long enough to photograph them. Cindy, you did a wonderful job!
Have fun tomorrow!
Cindy, what a beautiful post. beautiful photos. beautiful story. sending you big love from the northwest!
Love this post Cindy! That ring is gorgeous too. Did he pick it out for her, or did she have her eye on it? Whomever did the picking had wonderful taste. They do look pretty darn cute in that picture :)
he picked out the engagement ring himself. he really is a good shopper for everything from diamonds to paper towels. scott's just like him ;).
What beautiful memories. I wish I was this good at saving mementos.
Lovely post. This left me all cheery!
lovely sentiments on both ends. inspiring post. thanks C i needed that.
what a nice tribute, cindy! and too funny that your fil made a list. that made me laugh out loud! their wedding photo is very special.
have fun at your class!
oh, i love vintage paper ephemera like this.
lovely post...with such special memories....
my mom and dad have a figure similiar to that from their honeymoon with the bride and groom in the car, and i have always loved it...
How lovely, thanks for posting!
Makes me want to photograph my own wedding mementoes... just need to dig 'em up from the boxes I left unpacked since our last move..
Cindy a very cute post! I got a kick out of how you took those things! LOL... I was wondering how things were going- thanks for sharing! Rest up for tomorrow first class and ENJOY it! xoxo
How sweet! Me and my husband have no photos from our wedding day (long story), but kept the museum and boat tickets. Some day they will turn up in one of the boxes... :) Thank you for this post, it reminded me how important it is to keep some bits of paper sometimes...
Wonderful post, Cindy! History repeating itself - could be a truly fabulous thing if it leads to 50+ years for you and your husband! Loved the nostalgia!
i'm so glad these treasures have brightened your days, too! i can't wait to give them back because i'm afraid something is going to happen to them on my watch.
for the class, i just hope there is one person with a camera that hasn't been removed from the box to keep things slow. i also hope i'm not the only one with a nikon ;).
what a wonderful post. thanks for sharing. the pictures are lovely.
wow, what great memories!
i love all the little details of them :)
i hope your class went well and can't wait to "see" you back!
What a great story. I can't believe he let you borrow all those special keepsakes! Better return them before he sends over one of his thugs to break a leg! Karin
what a great post cindy! wow---i hope helen's recovery is speedy and you enjoy your first class..where are you taking it?
will you be able to come to the flea in ft greene this saturday or next? wouldlove to see you..many many photo ops!
the post is wonderful
the photos are amazing
hope helen will get well soon-and i cant wait to hear and see the result of the photocours!
lovely post with a fantastic story. hope the class went well :)
I hope Helen is better soon. & how neat of the hotel to offer them the same rate--it's too bad they couldn't go.
my husband and i were sitting on the floor looking at things in our wedding box last weekend... it is great to share the memories..
So, so cute! I love becoming acquainted with Charlie and Helen.
What a wonderful and utterly romantic post! I love the photos you took and how you captured their wedding day and personalities. They are the cutest couple -- and both them and you and Scott were truly meant to be!
I LOVE this story. How cute that you were set up by the same family! I love her rings. If I one day get married, I only want a vintage/vintage inspired wedding ring. I hope Helen is feeling better.
How sweet is this?! And so romantic! What great keepsakes.
These are such amazing photographs! What a wonderful tribute to their marriage! Such beautiful rings also:)
thanks everyone! i can't wait to show this to them both!
This is the most romantic thing... I was almost crying. Thank you for sharing. -e
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