song : heaven right here by jeb loy nichols
thank you for your sweet comments on our last post. they were special because at the end of the day i think i'm just a regular girl and anyone could do what i do. so, reading your nice words means a lot to me.
transitioning between posts can be tricky. it's strange to me when a blogger writes about a stressful experience. then, everyone pours their hearts out with sympathy or advice in the comments and the blogger never references it again. or, they're suddenly over it and write about the next new fantastic event. this week has been strange. haiti, a cured husband, new babies, and a friend's loss. where do i go from here? mmm ... let's go home.
scott realizes that I don't always eat breakfast, especially on my days off. so, sometimes, he tries to give me a jump start by putting out bread + butter for toast before he leaves for work. he also makes the coffee. last week, i thought i could do a little bit more.
thomas' toasting bread with butter & vermont maple sugar, delicious liberte mediterranee yogurt and honest juice one day. a heart shaped egg the next. well, sort of, the egg was supposed to show a heart design in the center, but i had too much egg. that's fine, waste not want not. i saw the idea in instyle magazine of all places. here's how to make it -
- cut a shape in the center of your bread. a heart is nice, but scott likes a car.
- melt 1 tbsp of butter in a non-stick skillet. i butter the bread so it browns evenly.
- cook both pieces about 3 minutes over a medium-low heat or until golden.
- with a spatula, flip each piece over. break the egg in the center of the cut out. season with salt & pepper. cover and cook for 2-3 minutes or until the egg is set.
- they say serve with love, which sounds like the best part and reminds me of the movie women on top with penelope cruz. scott loooves her.
making that little heart toast reminded me of the homemade croutons my mom would serve with her pot roast & noodles. i really want to make pot roast, but her recipe is packed away someplace in my brother's attic - my fault. if you have any recipes, i'd love to know about them. enjoy your weekend!
xo, cindy
I know the oddness of trying to transition from a tough topic to something a little lighter. I love how you say thank you, though. That makes the commenters feel appreciated--thank you!
I love the breakfast creations!
so true about the transitioning! let me know if you get a good recipe- i'd love to try it! we've never made pot roast before...
It is tough going from one end to the other. This is why I did my post today before and after, easing into, tomorrow's post. Come tomorrow I so want the before. I like how you ease back to a comfort "home". What a special treat it is to come to your corner. I love what you did for breakfast too! xo
I am definitely guilty of poor post transitions! I tend to leave comments hanging as well. I think what happens is that I go to the commenter's blog to respond, and then I get distracted by what she has posted and end up commenting on that instead!
In any case, I do appreciate your thoughts on the situation in Haiti but especially on the challenge of appreciating life, truly living in the moment. Yes, animals have no problem with this, they are so much more zen than we are!:)
thanks, ladies. i don't think a response can be expected for every comment, but some kind of general acknowledgment is nice for those deep topics. i guess it reminds me of someone opening up to another and then hearing crickets. awkward.
And then hearing crickets. Awkward. FUNNY!!
If you forget that you're blogging and get in journaling mode or talking to a friend mode, switching subjects quickly and to the extreme is par for the course. Try that.
so, if you brought up a heavy subject with your friend and then she relates something personal that might make her feel bad would you leave her hanging, pj? i don't think you would. it's kind of like that.
Life is a roller coaster and so is blogging... Though I usually try to thank commenters or try to get back to them either with a personal message or by leaving a comment on a comment or by stopping by on their blog, I admit I sometimes don't do so immediately because I'm too much "in the moment" (like the last couple of weeks...). And then, when too much time goes over it I feel really embarrassed and even uncomfortable about it from the moment I see my homepage, which is the time to act...
I love the breakfast pictures - so romantic! The toast with egg looks divine!
Hi Cindy, i love your posts and am drawn to the kindness you exude. i think the hanging posts/comments sort of come with the's not that the issue has disappeared, but that life continues moving forward. that said, i always enjoy+appreciate hearing from you. wishing all the very best for my blogger pals.
it's not really about thanking commenters, especially me. for example, when your husband was in the hospital pascale you wrote a post about it and how worried you all were. your next post was about how he was better. that makes sense. if the next post would have been about a craft or something with no mention of your husband that would be a strange flow to me. maybe i pay too much attention ;)?
cafe au lait and a croissant every morning, it is the best! I know i've been thinking about deb and her dad passing away too, reflecting a lot lately this winter. i had this idea to get people more involved in making and creating things together, don't know if it'll work but it could be fun! I wonder if you'll be watching Emma this weekend on Masterpiece theatre? Maybe pick up some fresh flowers at the chelsea market and breathe in the scent of something earthy and exotic.
I agree, what a strange week - I am still finding myself tongue-tied on my blog. You are insightful and sensitive Cindy, and that's one of the many reasons you are so loved, besides being so talented. We love who you are :)
I so adore that egg and toast. We used to make those when I was young. I remember the taste of butter and toast and egg - oh yum - I may have to make one over the weekend :)
your project sounds like fun jamie and we will be watching. meg, i'm so grateful you get me and what i was trying to say. enjoy your sunday! xo, c
Hello there, Cindy. I had quite a bit of catching up to do, and I was captivated taking a backwards journey through your month, back to lighter and happier times. If only it were that easy to go back in time.
First of all, I'm glad to hear Scott's foot is back and that you can hang up your nurse's uniform. Reading your dialogue had me giggling. Isn't it funny how, after years with someone, you can practically hear what is unsaid. It's like a new sixth sense.
Secondly, you are a highly empathetic and sensitive soul. That is part of why you are so lovely. And I think that is also why you can take such beautiful photographs, much better than what any old ordinary person could do. Much better than ME, anyway. You can read the beauty and emotion in a singular moment and capture it, whether it is happy or sad. And that is an amazing gift.
And lastly, thank you for posting about this egg toast. It made me smile. Not only because Scott likes cars and you happen to have a car-shaped cutter, but because I remembered making this for my husband quite often. I would serve him breakfast in bed with it, and he absolutely loved that.
Whew, quite lengthy! Sorry about that. :) Happy Sunday, sweet-ums.
It can be an awkward transition but, like life you sometimes just want to wake up the next day and be as positive as possible. I think you did that well. Lovely blog.
thank you dear, bella! i'm glad you found a fond memory of your dear husband in our place. and, thank you for such nice compliments. i do take them to heart.
hey post grad hair cut, i love that name, thank you for visiting us. i will return the favor.
Great pictures. That looks delicious. And I like your jadeite plates!
I think your transition was just fine. :)
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