song : baby mine by alison krauss.
i've been getting back to photo-styling recently. i really enjoy it (challenging) and it takes practice to get things just so. we've been collecting for years, so finally many of our tchotchkes are being put to good use and dusted off. this set is all about baby things and dedicated to grace who is about to deliver her baby any minute now & julia who has a few more months to go.
the corgi car is from scott's childhood collection and definitely for grace as she is going to have a boy. julia remains to be seen. the lamb is from stephanie congdon barnes, print by jessica gonacha swift, flower from tinsel trading, trees made by me and wallpaper from craft vintage dry goods.
these vintage baby accessories include the humpty dumpty mug i used as a kid. the collage i made includes paper quilling of a mama duck and her ducklings. i loved doing this series and wish grace & julia all the best in the next chapter of their lives. they're going to be great moms! hope you all had a nice weekend. thank you for the sweet comments on our last post :).
xo, cindy
ps the pop-up card says -
to you and the new baby
heard the line's busy at your house -
heard you don't mind one bit,
'cause you're so in love
with the darlin'
who's responsible for it!
Cindy, they all are wonderful! I love the humpty dumpty mug of yours. He has been a favorite of mine since I was a young girl. This is so sweet of you! Have a golden day! xo
Pretty! Love the little quilled ducks especially.
so sweet of you!!! Lovely photos as always- that lamb is my favorite :)
this is so sweet, and you should get a job as a stylist, I kow you a graphic designer it shows, love your work cindy!
your photos are amazing!
and good luck to the two mamas :)
Such a pretty collection...
Have a lovely evening Cindy
Those are so sweet Cindy!
In regards to the D90, I think I have tried everything!! My cousin had the same camera, and she says that hers does the same thing, where it won't auto focus and will not take the picture. Like I said, I called Nikon and asked them about this and they told me to put it on manual, and do it that way, I tried and for some reason, even at that point, it wouldn't release the shutter! I think I'm going to a camera shop for some help.
I love your photos! That print by Jessica is so, so sweet! XO.
adorable!! makes me want to have another baby (sort of) hee hee :)
I think you're a great photo stylist!
thanks you guys! i wish i could help you, elizabeth. sounds like you've spent enough time fiddling around and it should be covered by your warranty. hope so.
gorgeous photos + styling!
Your photo styling is fantastic! the pictures are clear and the themes work. And your little bits are adorable. What a fun project!
*sighs delightedly* How did I miss this post :) I get all teary eyed, how delightful! Many many kisses!
From me and the baby Otter!
These are dreamy! What a great knack you have for all things photographic, Cindy!
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