hello, hello! nothing like a little yellow to perk up an otherwise blah week, although the weather has been unseasonably warm giving us a prelude to spring about a month away. honestly, i have not felt like blogging at all and it makes me nervous that my "best" days are behind me. i've never had a spell like this and the 365 photo project has been taking a lot of effort because i've really tried to come up with a good photo each day, but i can't say it's been fun to put that pressure on myself for a self-imposed project - oy!
i did attend a workshop about how to use social networking tools like linkedin, facebook and twitter in your business and the customer profiles i previously mentioned in the etsy post came up, again. so, they certainly seem to be important when it comes to figuring out not only what your customers are looking for and thinking when they consider making a purchase, but where they are. enjoy your weekend!
xo, cindy
ps the ginger syrup from morris kitchen is so good. not too sweet, not too gingery, just right. goldilocks would approve ;).
sometimes I don't feel like blogging too, I guess it's that time of the year we need more yellows and pinks to feel better!!
my husband is very into social media- well he works for a PR company. one thing that he said to me the other day is that there is so much planning you can do but you just need to it- there is no secret recipe :)
happy weekend cindy!
I just had that blip myself on the blogging front, as you could tell by my lack of posts, but I decided a long time ago, I would never give up, because the reason I started mine was as a scrapbook of sorts of my life, and I really would be sad to let it be totally gone.
It will pass, don't give up, and I haven't noticed any quality slipping from your posts or your beautiful photos Cindy :)
i've been the unmotivated blogger in recent months...it's okay to take a break for life.
i love the yellow enamel pot, so cute.
erika - they mentioned companies should avoid 'drop-off' where they suddenly disappear and stop posting. there's also over-promotion. companies can underestimate the attention social media needs. it doesn't have to be over-whelming or rigid, but there should be some sort of plan. technology makes it easy, but it still takes effort like all marketing. choose your places to be and be there consistently.
thanks line & elizabeth!
I think it's hard when there's pressure to post something great daily.
I have just changed the format of our blog to wider and larger photos....I think...but it could be just my opinion...that photos look more impressive when blown up larger...
Although...your photos are gorgeous daily...so not to worry Cindy!
HUGS and happy weekend.
Mmm, warm yellows. You are channeling the sun, for sure. That is a cute cup! And I love the way the rays of light emanate from the votive. Phooey on pressure, but in the end, you will be all the more proud of achieving something impressive. Have a wonderful weekend!
I totally know what you are talking about Cindy! I am trying to be a consistant blogger but sometimes real life gets in the way! One new thing I am trying to do is organize my posts a week beforehand so I can work on them a little at a time before posting. I am hoping this will work but we shall see:) I always enjoy your posts and gorgeous photos though. You have such a beautiful way of looking at things! Have a great weekend:)
well i love that picture very much. i have heard many say good things about the ginger syrup i must try get myself some.
i'm really not a big photo type of gal, i've tried them larger and always go back to the current size. i like them larger on other blogs, though.
thanks for the nice words everyone, as always :).
hello you!
it's good to take a break....i have missed you. you know i love hearing what you're up to and seeing your lovely pics...just post when you feel like it :)
hope you and scott and charlie are well
love m
I agree it is OK to take a break when one needs it. If it helps any I struggle writing my blog at times. Since I'm still in the process of getting totally back on my feet- I feel I have not too much exciting news. I feel getting on a schedule of posting 3 times a week is easier for me. I can only show so many photos of Mr. Bojangles. smile...
Thanks for sharing the great info. I have never heard of Ginger syrup. What do you use it for? xo
Oh sweetie! I can empathize! NO NO NO your best days are NOT behind you! You're just going through that wondrous period of rest and rejuvenation before the next adventure. I loved your comment about Goldilocks :) You're brilliant!
taking a break when you need it is what makes blogging fun. it shouldn't be a job!! you're amazingly talented and your best days will NEVER be behind you!
Love your blog, thanks for posting!
i hope you get your blog mojo back soon again
as i tweeted to you earlier, i love your photos, they are so amazing.
but i think that 365 brings actually quite alot of performance pressure... hence i ended up just snapping the view on my 'off' days...
the workshop sounds amazing! i often think i should do something like that.. glad you share with us
oh cindy, i have felt exactly the same way. and it's almost gotten to the point where i wonder if i've lost my magic... i'm not giving up yet but i am hanging onto hope that spring will revive me! xo
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