oh, if life was so simple : to stop and start : on command
Hi All -
Once in a while I'll post about something to keep it close {Stereophonics}. Today, I saw the stop motion film, A Short Love Story from Carlos Lascano, mentioned on Please Sir and just can't stop watching it. The story is 'a couple of pencil-outlined birds escape from a little girl's drawing, leading us through the life she dreams of'. I adore the way the girl often looks askance at the boy. Pure magic! Thanks Diana & Carlos. Have a lovely weekend everybody.
xo, Cindy
Photo/Film Credit : Carlos Lascano
Thank you so much for sharing. This was beautiful! I have never seen anything like this before, I enjoyed it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
So glad!
cutie - this film is so sweet. xo, s
Such a sweet film Ü Thank you for the tip on Sanna Annukka, I love her work! You now I visited her site a while ago, but lost it Ü So thank you :)
wonderful jeanette!
Thanks for the link love - I agree - LOVE this story SO much!!
i really love it!
davy and goliath never touched me quite like this!
but davey!
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