food : ode to the cupcake

a sublime combination : frosting & cake perfection : dear cupcake

My attempts in haiku might need a lot of work, but my love for cupcakes is refined. In my opinion, Cheeks Bakery in Williamsburg makes the best cupcakes in NYC. So, when you come to town or if you live here, try to visit this charming bakery. I know what you're thinking - 'What about 'Mag...?'. Trust me.

xo, Cindy

PS I hope Scott gets me some of these for my birthday this weekend - hint, hint ;)!


Mrs.French said...

Happy (early) Birthday...this looks so yummy....perhaps I will have a cupcake in your honor this weekend. Cheers my dear! xo

SimplyGrove said...

Happy almost birthday!! I think I shall partake of a cupcake myself:)

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Happy birthday in advance!
That cupcake looks far too tasty, I am going to have to take it away for an inspection. ;)

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

happy early birthday! the photo is making my mouth water!

Jude said...

Early birthday greetings from me, too! I love that shot of the empty baking cup; it tells a story of something delicious fully consumed. I can just see a satisfied smile on your face!

Unknown said...

i like this space that you have created. i will be back after i have made myself some cupcakes : )

Laura said...

your haiku is lovely. said...

Oh how beautiful. I just love your blog! Thanks so much for stopping by mine so I could find it. I love the pictures here...and the voices. So beautiful and fun! I'll be adding you so I don't miss a thing!

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

I've been totally crazing cupcakes lately!! These look delish.

Happy pre birthday Cindy.

Cindy said...

thanks for the pre-birthday cheer you guys! i had that cupcake in the frig for two days before i could take its photo. oh, the things i'll do for the sake of 'art' ;)!

Julia said...

That looks positively divine! Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting! How yummy!

HAPPY BIRFDAY TO YOUUUU :) A leetle early. I hope Scott picks up on the *hint*

Okay, so when I come to town (eventually) I will have to go here.

Cindy said...

jewels - i'll take you there myself (well, scott will take us) or deliver them to you at your ritzy hotel!

Unknown said...

oooh! yum. hope you are having a delightful birthday week!

aimee said...

i would eat just the frosting ;) happy early birthday!

Anonymous said...

happy early birthday!!! this DOES LOOK SO DARN YUMMY! hmmm, if you drink it with a nice warm cup of coffee, you might feel thisclose to heaven :)

ps.btw, if you didnt get this award already, i nominated you on my blog

Elizabeth said...

Two days in the fridge??????? I don't think I could have done that :) The photo is really nicely lit and the colors are fab. What are your plans for your B-day??

Anonymous said...

he he... cute post! good luck with the cupcake wish. and happy birthday (early)!!

please sir said...

Cupcakes are the very best. Oh this picture makes me hungry!

Jessie Cacciola said...

woah, you shifted things around a bit since I've been here last -- looks great! And so does this cupcake.

P.S. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Cindy!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty tablecloth. I like the Stereophonics too. Saw them in concert a few years ago. In person they were sort of dirty, messy, smoky, just sort of nasty in appearance and behavior- perfect I think for British rockers. The Kooks seem to be the same way:)

Cindy said...

thanks everyone! i can't wait for this week to be over. i need a cupcake or two or three.

chelsea - yes, i think the stereophonics and the kooks are old school rockers. at least that's what i attribute the grit and grime to ;)!

Melissa de la Fuente said...

Oh! I will have to go there next time we are in Brooklyn! Happy early birthday sweet Cindy! I hope it is a beautiful one!

Cindy said...

thank you melissa!

julie king said...

happy early b'day, cindy!!!! chocolate on chocolate -- the best! adorable photo and i like the haiku as well. love visiting your blog and being inspired!

Cindy said...

thanks for everything julie!

Cheray Natalie... said...

i hope you have a very happy birthday and get lots of those cupcakes! :) it looks like it was absolutely delicious! xx

Cindy said...

thank you cheray! no cupcakes, but two cakes - yum!

Bonbon Oiseau said...

luuhhhuve cheeks---my birthday cake usually comes from there and although i'm not really supposed to eat things with wheat, i sacrifice a digestive nightmare just for cheeks (i like billy;'s bakery in chelsea too --i'm a sucker for cupcakes i shouldnt eat.)

Cindy said...

sometimes a cupcake with a pepto-bismol chaser is just what the doctor ordered ;). love billy's too and had one at work yesterday.