fun : one word meme

Basset Hound Puppy from SharonMontrose via Red Otter

Hi Everyone -

answers on her blog to the One-Word-Answer meme going around were great! She encouraged us to play along, so I did and you should, too!
Where is your mobile phone? Here
Where is your significant other? Grocery Shopping*
Your hair color? Chestnut
Your mother? Multi-talented
Your father? Suave
Your favorite thing? Wedding ring
Your dream last night? Stressful
Your dream goal? Puppy
The room you're in? Cozy
Your hobby? Photography
Your fear? Death
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here
Where were you last night? Home
What you're not? Phone-person
One of your wish-list items? Puppy
Where you grew up? Suburbs
The last thing you did? Made bed
What are you wearing? Glasses
Your TV? Treasured
Your pets? Imaginary
Your computer? Glorious
Your mood? Sleepy
Missing someone? Yes
Your car? Reliable
Something you're not wearing? Tiara
Favorite shop? Purl Patchwork
Your summer? Fun
Love someone? Always
Your favourite color? Pink
When is the last time you laughed? Now
When is the last time you cried? Wednesday
*It's 7:30 am on a Saturday and he really is & so happy

Don't you think
someone needs to get me that puppy already? Did you hear Obama refer to the dog they wanted to get for their girls at his first press conference yesterday? He said they wanted to get a mutt, just like he was, but Malia is allergic and needs a hypoallergenic dog. I'm a mutt, too. Half German, quarter Italian, and a quarter Czech = All-American. I feel so much better about all of that, now ;).

Happy Weekend!

xo, Cindy


julie king said...

first, the puppy is too precious for words. i've been longing for a puppy as well but our work schedule would make it very difficult. i hope you get yours!!! your one-word meme answers were fun!

Cindy said...

it's the same for us, even though i work part-time. i can dream and whine like a puppy, though ;).

Anonymous said...

cute cute cute! i did hear obama say that about the mutt-- i love him. :)

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

adorable photo!
I'm allergic too, so I feel for Malia. Luckily for me, my pup is hypoallergenic :)

aimee said...

oh, gosh, i'm not a phone person, either. hope you get that puppy... :)

Laura said...

so cute!
...the phone doesn't really bother me, but i have a definite thing about being on speaker phone, leaving messeges, talking on mics, etc...the thought of someone hearing me without me knowing it really gets to me.

Unknown said...

i love my puppy so much it hurts. and she's a mutt too. like me. love the tags.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

I'm a mutt, too. I've always called myself that, so it was great to hear him refer to himself that way.
1/4 Italian, 1/8 German, 1/8 French, 1/8 Belgian, 1/8 Irish, 1/4 miscellaneous nationalities, including Swiss and American Indian.

I love your list. I will try to give it a go.

Megan Coyle said...

that puppy is so adorable!!

Cindy said...

woof woof!

onesilentwinter said...

great list!

Melissa de la Fuente said...

You are adorable and why are you not wearing your TIARA? :)
I love this and think someone MUST give you a puppy!

Cindy said...

my tiara is still with fred leighton!

yasmine said...

i love those hush puppy dogs!

and lols. i'm a mutt too i guess. filipino/chinese/spanish/east indian/syrian here :)

Cindy said...

yay for us!

Joanna Goddard said...

LOVE sharon montrose!!!

Cindy said...

she's wonderful, joanna! my fav is the deer, but i don't want a dear, i want a puppy!