pics : holiday & raffle

bits and bobs : assembled with care : fond memories of days gone by

Hi Everyone!

I worked on this holiday collage for quite a while yesterday. Assembling the items and positioning everything just so is tricky, especially the bowl of ornaments. I don't know how most of them didn't just break as they fell down so much. Many of the items are vintage and I've included the little bride and groom from our first Christmas (if you click on the image to make it larger you can really see at the bottom). The image is so busy and bold, and not quite what I'm looking for this year in a holiday card.

I think the reason I've been feeling overwhelmed by all of the holiday noise goes back to the election. We were inundated with coverage for months, then there was the financial meltdown. And now, the holiday season. Simply put, there has been no break from something in need of our dire attention. People are struggling.

After reading Pia's lovely post today about her holiday decorating, I realized the reason this project has not been clicking with me is because I'm not focusing on the right message. Simple items like brown paper, evergreens & berries, feathers and string seem more appropriate for this season. I've ordered the feathers Pia mentioned in the comments (thank you Pia) and we'll see what happens, but I think it will be good.

On another note, and more importantly, Deb is having a wonderful raffle this holiday to benefit the Food Bank of NYC. The winner will receive and incredible group of offerings that seems to be growing each day. So far, beautiful items by these great designers will go to the winner:

Ann Wood
Hortensia Handmade
Sesame Letterpress
Le Papier Studio
Tea Spot NYC
Bonbon Oiseau Jewelry

My plan is to buy a ticket when I see Deb at one of her holiday shows in the coming weeks, but people who are not able to attend can purchase a ticket online using PayPal. Good Luck!

xo, Cindy

PS Our 2009 Calendar was mentioned on One Pretty Thing yesterday. Thank you, Rachel!


yasmine said...

i really like your styling for that photo cindy. it's like for a catalogue :)

oh and that's such a lovely project for the food bank. i'm most likely going to volunteer this holiday as well.

Vana said...

i LOVE how you put everything together...what a neat collage. I wish i lived closer so that i could attend Deb's event. Such sweetheart she is. I am thought please i could participate.

I just sent you an email regarding the calendars. They are ready to be shipped....YEAH!

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...


I love the styling in your top photo, but also appreciate the points you make about simplifying...perhaps it's the silver lining of the uncertainty and angst felt in 2008. People seem to be more focused on what's really, truly important {I know I am} which is refreshing. I'm off to check out the NY food bank project...thanks for the tip.

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

Love the photo!!! I can tell you are such a perfectionist :)

Didn't know about the food bank. Thanks for the heads up!

Anonymous said...

You bring up such an interesting point! As retail companies try to "push Christmas" this year to compensate for the recession, all of the "stuff" is starting to make us nauseous. I love that you used the word "appropriate"... I think it's becoming more and more important to think about what is appropriate (and sometimes hideously inappropriate) this holiday season.

On a less introspective note, I LOVE your collage! Fabulous!

Michelle Brunner said...

I love your collage. The idea of having more simplistic items is on the mark. A lot of people forget what Christmas is all about! Traditions and family and relaxing is what this season should be about!

SimplyGrove said...

This photo is delightful Cindy!! I love it:)

Jude said...

I love what you've done with the collage, but also look forward to seeing the final composition you decide 'clicks' for you this year. We can look back on it years from now and remember . . .

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks to you, too, for being such a great blogging buddy. :)

Anonymous said...

I love your photo Cindy, it's beautiful!!!! I just love all the vintage ornaments and Christmas goodies.

Thank you, I'm taking this short little break and back to studying. I'm so scared for Saturday!

Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful collage (especially that sweet bride and groom ornament!) But I do like the idea of something simple and natural for the season. The past few months have been a bit of sensory overload with all that's been going on!

Melissa de la Fuente said...

i can't wait to see what you do with the feathers....I understand completely the desire to pare down this year, yes...I think it will be very good!

Cindy said...

thanks ladies. i really can not wait to get my hands on those feathers - it's so funny!

Unknown said...

cindy, as always, this post was pitch-perfect. i think that your gratitude post really set the tone for the season and could be a guiding principle for decorating this year. this afternoon, i've been walking around my house, thinking about what i'm thankful for, and how to celebrate that with decorations from the heart.

Cindy said...

kelly, you have totally made my day and holiday. i really feel like you've heard me and what i've said is ok. xo, c

Anonymous said...

i agree about feeling the need to simplify this season-- something definitely feels different this year. i need a break from all the visual stimulation! but your photo is fantastic and i think you did a great job! it seems like it was so effortless, but i bet it took a long time to get it just so! awesome.

Cindy said...

wow, thank you so much jess!