fun : a few favorites

Tamar Mogendorff via Bird

Hi Everyone -

Thanks for your nice comments about my first set of diptychs. They were a lot of fun to create and I'll have more next week. I just wish I could make them bigger, but this template won't accommodate a larger size, and I don't want to start messing around with the html code - ugh!

At this point, I feel all talked out, and quite frankly, pooped. I am so glad it's Friday and might just gaze upon some of these pretty pink-inspired favorites and pretend I'm in an English rose garden having a cup of tea. Sound good? Join me? Good! Have a fun weekend.

xo, Cindy

Art : Alex Edge's photography is so pure and real. She's also very generous in sharing a lot of information about her camera equipment.

Beauty : This beautiful powder puff from Bell'occhio looks simply divine.

Craft : The birdhouse from Tamar Mogendorff is very special, indeed.

Fabric : An English Rose will surely love Liberty of London whether it be in fabric from Purl Patchwork, or clothing from A.P.C. or Pronk.

TV : So looking forward to The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency starring beautiful Ms. Jill Scott on HBO this weekend.

Typography : The beautiful hand-lettering of Jessica Hische is lyrical and lively. I'm not alone in thinking so since she was recently featured in Print magazine as one of the 2009 New Visual Artists "Design's Rising Stars".

Yums : Delicate Rose Pepper Cookies from Whimsy & Spice make for an interesting and delicious combination of flavors.


twinkle teaches said...

I love this birdhouse. So pretty!

michele said...

Such wonderful ideas. being in England right now though, I'd have to imagine being in a lovely garden too because it's really dreary outside and cold. Looks like rain. Whar a surprise!

hmstrjam said...

Hi Cindy- I know how you feel- I wish i could widen the format of my blog but don't want to mess with the html either- maybe you can link to the photos in flickr or your website for a large view? hope you have a great weekend and slosh around in all the rain!

aimee said...

jessica's typography is amazing!

Biba said...

This is so pretty! Love your blog :)

i.d. said...

Thanks for sharing the Art link - love finding new photographers. Hope you have a relaxing weekend! x

Rachel said...

Great site! You have some wonderful info on here

I’m always looking for ideas and info to add to my blog.

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Leciawp said...

It really isn't that cumbersome changing the HTML to make photos bigger. You don't have to change to stretch format; it depends on how large you want the photos.

Joyce said...

Cindy I love your favorites especially the little birdhouse. Have a golden weekend! xoxo

Vana said...

I so wish i could join you in the English rose garden. But for now, i think just reading these favorites makes me happy and ready to start the weekend. Have a lovely one, friend!

Cindy said...

Lecia - when i change the image size in html it seems to lose resolution and gets cut off on the right side. i've looked at the stretch format, but it seems too wide. i feel like goldilocks ;)!

Cindy said...

me again, i'm looking at the template and think i can make it a bit wider. thanks, lecia - i might not have tried it if you didn't mention it!

Deniz said...

love your diptychs, and i do feel your choices are wonderful! especially the yellow one, am really into yellow after i finally got some nailenamel in this wonderful colour named sunshine :)
thanks for the links love the typography very very nice
oh and i am definitely up for that tea in the english teagarden....
xo hope you enjoying your weekend

Lynne said...

I can't tell you how much I love No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. Plus, I've seen the author interviewed and he is a larger than life, bumbling character who is utterly charming. He told us what the JLB in Mr JLB Matekoni stands for - now I can't remember! We've had two in the series so far - can't wait for another this Sunday - the perfect round off to a week.

julie king said...

tamar's bird houses really make my heart sing! thanks for sharing!

Michelle Brunner said...

Your diptychs are fabulous! Love the birdhouse also!

Anonymous said...

rose pepper cookies? those sound magical! and that typography is gorgeous. hope you had a good weekend, cindy!