hello, hello! i never cut my hair as a kid, but did so on my mom's raggedy ann doll. neither was happy even though my mom loved the asymmetrical look in design. these photos were taken for the picture fall class i'm taking after winning a spot on shutter sisters. i'm enjoying the indoor assignments as i've realized styled shots have been lacking around here.
i also won a copy of expressive photography and now have two, so i'm going to give one away. just leave a comment before october 18th telling me something you're enjoying these days and be sure to include an email address so i can contact you. i'll choose one winner using random.org and announce it next week. good luck!
xo, cindy
ps i forgot to say that i prefer symmetry and find myself giving that doll the eye with scissors in hand from time to time ;)!
My sisters cut my hair as a kid, which I have grade school photos of bald spots in my hair :).
I am enjoying as we speak a large latte and it's delicious!
Your doll still looks cute. :) My sister cut our cat's whiskers once, only on one side. Kids must be into asymmetry.
These days I am enjoying the cool autumn mornings and warm afternoon sun. Plus today I am baking some pumpkin bread.
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity Cindy!
I'm enjoying baking homemade gingerbread and potato/leek/fennel soup. And leaves falling to cover my entire back yard. And cool nights snuggled under the comforter with a kitty at my side.
thanks for a chance to win what looks like a great book !
I am enjoying my family. My boys were both away for years serving in the military and both are now home :)
My mom didn't want me to cut my hair when I was little so when I went to stay the night with my aunt I had talked her into taking me to get my hair cut!! My mom was MAD! LOL
I'm enjoying spending time with my kids we made homemade playdoh for the first time today!!!
I love this time of year! I've been enjoying all the apples and making different recipes. Fried apples with homemade biscuits and apple fritters have been my favorite so far.
i've been enjoying the Indian Summer we've been having
Love both of the images here!
This time of year I'm enjoying sipping hot cinnamon coffee early in the morning while sitting on my deck and enjoying the fall leaves changing colors.
I'm enjoying Picture Fall and would LOVE to win Shutter Sister's book!!
I'm enjoying fall decorating and crafting.
I'm enjoying learning all about photography!!!
since my test on the 4th october .. I enjoy the begining of my pregnancy ;-))) thanks for the giveway !
I'm enjoying taking my first photography class since I was about 14! I'm also getting to know my first DSLR!
This autumn I've been spending time in my backyard with the wee critters (chipmunks, squirrels, birds) watching them prepare for winter. One squirrel in particular, (named Happy) has for the 2nd season I've known her worn a lovely acorn beret while she eats the walnuts and pecans I give her.
I am enjoying the feeling of noticing and then genuinely complimenting other's gifts and talents. Whether it is words or photographs or simply an attitude, I'm intentionally focusing on the everyday things that make life grand. If I can put a smile on someone's face, friend or stranger, my day was well spent.
I am going to be baking Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies this weekend for my kids and nieces and nephews that are going to school. It is such an undertaking, I only do these once or twice a year. So I make a HUGH batch and send them out.
Enjoying the changing leaves & cooler weather!
side note: my Raggedy Ann doll has my name across her forehead - wrote it on there the day my little sister was born. ha :)
ooh I love that doll I remember having one when I was young, these styled shots are wonderful I love the textures and colors, I would like to play for the giveaway, I enjoy walking with my dogs these days on the beach and I think you have my e mail,
happy week end, it's thursday!!
Oh fun I am doing picture fall too :)
Things I am enjoying these days... the cooler weather, jackets anything pumpkin and getting ready for Halloween :)
Thanks for the giveaway, fingers crossed!
oops my email is aprilnewman@gmail.com
I am enjoying jumping into photography with both feet!
I am enjoying having cool weather as an excuse to have hot coffee in the afternoons.
Lately I have been enjoying letting my creative side run wild. Photographs, crafts, and cooking. I love it all!
Thank you :)
Too funny... my hubby wouldn't have been able to keep it that way. He's a total "must have perfect symmetry" kind of person!
I am loving the change of the seasons into fall. Great time to take pictures.
mmm... I'm enjoying crispness--in the air, in tart apples, in the feel of the leaves...
HAHA My mom used to cut our bang "up to our eyebrows" but the bad part was we would watch her, thus raising our eyebrows an inch or so... sigh, they were never straight and always TOOO short!
Thanks for your generosity!
I'm enjoying taking pictures of cupcakes for a friend, and getting paid in cupcakes!
troxellr@missouri.edu in case I win!
i'm enjoying the fall weather and colors for taking photos outside.
divertida at fastmail dot fm
These days, I am enjoying Yoplait Light Apricot-Mango yogurt, and Craisins (Ocean Spray "original"). Leave it to me to think of FOOD when someone asks what I'm enjoying these days - LOL. {Honesty is the best policy, right?} =)
I'm enjoying the rusting leaves and the crunching beneath my feet as I walk along paths in the park. I'm enjoying the long shadows and the bite in the air. I'm enjoying all the photography I'm doing.
xx shehani_k[at]hotmail
I love Raggedy Anne, even with a lopsided haircut! And right now I'm loving baking again...I've baked several batches of pumpkin bread, an apple cake and peanut butter cookies in the last couple of weeks. Yum!
Oh Cindy I love your Raggedy Anne's haircut, it is one of a kind.
You know me my friend put out in the woods and I am a happy camper. xo
Honestly, I am enjoying pumpkin spice lattes.
npbradshaw at hotmail dot com
love ann's new 'do. i had a haircut like that when i was a punky teen!*
yay for the picture fall class! i'm excited to see working more with photo styling.
*i wasn't much of a punk. i was for my tiny town in the middle of nowhwere, but i wasn't totally punk.
Thanksgiving weekend just passed, and I'm enjoying sweet potato pie leftovers :D
viaveg AT yahoo.ca
I love the light in the doll picture - it's a great shot!
Fall brings on this creative mood for me, which I really enjoy. I've been knitting, sewing, baking and taking pictures, lately and I feel totally energized by it! I just love that feeling!
Amazing photos! I'm so enjoying being home and in my house again. It hasn't even been 12 hours yet, but I know I'm going to love every minute.
I love the that doll! I made two Raggedy Ann dolls for my daughters, and it was so much fun to do the hair, and trim it all up. I can see how it would have been tempting to cut :)
I'm enjoying the glorious fall light! Even though it was 90 degrees yesterday, I've been noticing the leaves falling and all the colors.
I"m enjoying smelling fall's fresh air.
thanx for throwing my name in the hat as well. i too, am enjoying "picture fall". Tracy's class really brings into focus my third eye!! love everything about it.
I have been enjoying having oatmeal as breakfast for the cool mornings we've been having lately here in Toronto ;)
hi cindy! what a cool giveaway :) count me in, too.
it's funny that you ask what we're enjoying these days as i couldn't sleep again last night and woke up this morning with very negative thoughts. regardless, i think i'm really starting to enjoy these very dark and quiet mornings all to myself. i'm realizing what a productive person i can be this early :)
hope you have a fabulous weekend!
dawbis [at] gmail.com
You were on the bleeding edge of hair design!!!
Raggedy Ann is an alltime favorite of mine. I used to have a 1000 piece collection of dolls and ornaments and figurines and books, etc...all Ann and Andy.
I have an old raggedy ann doll too but, thankfully, her hair is intact. :)
I am enjoying watching my sister's belly grow! Due november 8th, I'll be a first-time auntie!
I really like your different fabrics and colors in your styled shot! :)
Let's see.... lately I am enjoying thinking up new ideas :)
I did not even notice the asymmetrical hair until you pointed it out. Quite stylish, actually. And ooooh, how I envy you with your beautiful fabrics and ribbons. Gorgeous shots!
Me? What am I enjoying these days? Reruns of 30 Rock streaming on Netflix.
Hope you're having another wonderful weekend!
i am enjoying your photos....as always. the light is fabulous....
and you know i like asymmetry (but not in my hair :)
and....i'm enjoying the most amazing package i received in the mail from the most thoughtful friend :) it totally made my absolutely crazy day!!!
what incredible pictures :) I hope you post some more interior pieces. I just love the colors in these.
Oh my! My sister once cut my Raggedy Ann's hair and I was not amused! Your story brings back memories!
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