hello, hello! the other night, i had a dream i was hanging out with justin bieber talking hair and getting his advice on the topic. then, pat benatar, johnny weir and a trapeze artist crashed the party and all hell broke loose. i wish. actually, this is what happens after two days of bad weather and it's official - dear snow, sleet & rain, i am sick of you.
xo, cindy
ps in the mood, got time for a few more inspiring videos from people who make stuff? if yes, the scout has some lovely short films that won't make you tear your hair out.
I think you and your hair are beautiful!! I like your self image shots- very cool! xo
those are so great!! i laughed out loud that you were dreaming about talking hair with justin bieber. i just read an article last about pat benatar...and she looked like a mom (a cool mom) and she was talking about being married for 31 years....wow.
hope you are able to get out and about soon.
love those pictures
Love your hair shots! This dream is just too funny!
i love short hair, adorable! i don't envy your beiber dreams or snow/sleet/rain...we've had unseasonably warm weather here w/ crazy blue sky days, i'll try to send some your way!
I had short hair like you forever in my early 20s and I always had fun with it. :) Have fun with your hair!
Ooooh, I'd be excited to dream about a trapeze artist. They really know how to hang.
Your hair is fantastic! My daughter got a pixie-cut last weekend and loves it! Love your tousled look (the upside down one made me laugh).
Go away snow. Boo.
Seriously bizarre dream.
I love your hair!
I had a conversation with my hairdresser last week about not giving me the bieber - she assured me she wouldn't, but I don't know, styled correctly....
Poor Cindy - I see you have creased 4 ways! Hehehe :D Well I think these pics are adorable, and I especially love the bottom left!
I hope you get a reprieve from all that nasty weather soon! Please keep drinking hot cocoa :)
the thing about justin bieber's hair that drives me nuts is that it looks like hat hair. the way the edges curl up. i freeze my ears off not wearing a hat in order to avoid looking like that :)! boys!
i love the head shots! they're really sexy, to be honest! :)
dear snow... i was sick of you 2 months ago!
i want short hair! sofia likes to grab my hair and pull on it for keeps :(
but cindy, how can i agree with you about snow? i would say to send us some, but we actually got some during the evening hours last night! barely an inch covers our lawn, but woohoo!! :P
You are hilarious! And fabulous! I love the layered, fluffy, fantastic do!
Hahahaha...I would SO like to attend that party. I could preach the gospel of bobs!
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