East Hampton Main Beach
Some snapshots from our recent trip to East Hampton. No glitz - there never is as we're very low key. No celebrity sightings thank goodness. No pink chests or other stuff to lug home. Lots of great weather, grub and relaxation. And, stay tuned as the best is yet to come next week in Polaroid. Have a lovely weekend!
Traditional Shingle House
The Modern House Next To It
And then, The White House?
Haven's House Antiques
Vintage VW Beetle
Shabby Chic Bench
Vintage Jaguar
Vintage Chevy Impala SS
Vintage Mercedes
WWII Warship Telescopes
Vintage Rolls Royce
Photo Credit : Cindy with the help of a very patient Scott
great pics!! That beetle is in impeccable shape!
Looks like a wonderful time, and those cars! OH WOW!
Oh how FUN?! :)
The vintage cars are too neat. I can't decide which I like best of the old Impala, Jag or Mercedes.
wow, i love old cars!! there's one for sale a few blocks down from my house -- like really old (like no windows-big steering wheel-old). but what would I do with it?
thanks for sharing these finds and thank scott for being so patient (us readers really appreciate it). xo
yep, the vintage cars out there totally rock! we're always oohing and aahing them. as far as new cars, we saw over a dozen new maseratis at $200k a pop. guess the downturn in the economy/fuel prices hasn't been a problem for some people ;)?
krissy, the beetle looked to be completely original and was a beauty.
amber, all of the above works for us.
jessie, scott says no problem!
I can't believe there will be *better* photos to come...these are amazing! Love the vintage dressers and shots of the cars. Sounds like you're having a great summer :)
I would love to contribute photos to this blog! Just check out my photostream on flickr and ask me for whichever ones you want thanks.
Ricky Wilson,
Bridgehampton, NY
looks like a great time! funny all those expensive vintage cars and the VW beetle is my pick!!
These are all dreamy. A vintage convertible "beatle" is my absolute dream car!!! Can't wait to see your polaroids you lucky girl you!
Great images!!! Felt like I took a trip with you guys :)
Thanks for the comment on the Cold Play post. We had very good seats and I used the zoom on the camera. My daughter and I did scoop up some of the tissue butterflies :)
i also love the beetle, but scott would go with the impala because it's an ss, whatever that means.
the lil bee - i hope the polaroids are better - they're just so dreamy like memories.
ricky - your photos are absolutely amazing.
elizabeth - i would have saved some of those butterflies, too.
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