97, 98, 99, ONE HUNDRED!

She: "Do you know what today is?"
He: "Monday?"
She: [Gives stink-eye.]
He: "I know, it's our 100th post!"
She: "Final answer?"
He: [Gives stinkeye.]
She: "Hahaha. Yes, it's our 100th post!"
He: "That is really amazing! Remember we thought we were going to be kicked off the web after the surfing post?"
She: "Yeah, that post was so silly. In the beginning, we started out with the intention of keeping an online journal of our comings and goings because I was concerned that we didn't have scrapbooks and such."
He: "Right, and it's a way to keep track of the things we like, but mostly your stuff."
She: "True, you are my muse. Hehehe."
He: "I know - lucky me! But, to be serious, I like the blog because it makes you really happy as you've met people who like the things you like."
She: "All together - awww."
He: [Gives stink-eye, again!]
She: "Just kidding. But yes, the best part of this adventure is the people we've met."
He: "That has been nice because we really are low-key and don't talk too much about ourselves in the "real" world, believe it or not."
She: "True, we're generally active listeners ;). So, when a blog hits a milestone, it is customary to offer a give-away as a thank you."
He: "One of us?"
She: "No, something that people might actually find useful!"
He: "Phew."
She: "I came up with a giveaway that I think our friends here might like. Here goes -
  • Pamela Barsky Journal made from a vintage scarf
  • Kate Spade Note Cards that say "watch less. write more."
  • Quaint Handmade Lavender Sachet
He: "Cool. What do people have to do to get it."
She: "Just leave a comment no later than August 21st and make sure there's contact info if they win."

He: "Sounds good to me."

She: " We'll announce one winner for the entire haul on August 22nd and mail it to anyplace on Planet Earth. And, thanks everyone for visiting us in our little neck of woods. It's been the highlight of the summer."
He: "Yeah, what she said."

She: "Copycat!"

Photo Credit : Cindy


rhymeswithfun said...

WOW...100 posts!!! congratulations, what an amazing milestone! can't wait to read many more!

Anonymous said...

100 is a big number. indeed.
and i love the watch less. write more.
a great reminder.

alice said...

Congratulations on your 100th! :)

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

I'm in! Congrats on your milestone. It's been a pleasure reading your blog these last months. Keep up the good work!

Jessie Cacciola said...

oh you're too cute! congrats! xo

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

I'm so glad you didn't get kicked off the web! I love your blog :) Happy 100 posts.

Anonymous said...

oh YAY! Isn't it so fun to be part of this loving blogging community? Congrats to you! Can't wait to see the next 100. :)

/// said...


And I so badly want the Kate Spade notecards. ;)

Laura said...

Congrats on 100 posts! It's a very exciting milestone.

PS I'm so glad you made it a s/he post. They are my favorite!
PPS great giveaway, by the way!

Mrs.French said...

I just know I'm a winner...sorry folks it's all mine. *)

Megan Coyle said...

Congrats on your 100th post! you've got such a fantastic blog.

Elizabeth said...

whoo hoo!! 100! I started in Feb. and I am almost at 100, you guys beat me :)

AMM blog said...

Congrats! That notebook is quite chic...I like it!

SimplyGrove said...

COngrats on your 1ooth. Great job on your blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your hundreth post. Look forward to more great things!

GloucesterMary said...

fun finding your blog! I just stumbled upon it for the first time today. I am Slim Aarons' daughter...and true...he never did work with a stylist. He was his own stylist. The beautiful people he shot were "styled" by him. He'd move flower pots around, rearrange furniture, have women re-style their hair, choose different outfits than the ones they wanted to wear etc. He choreographed every single shot he took!

Natasha said...

oooooo pick me pick me, no really, pick me, okay but congratulations! On the big 100!! Now back to the regularly scheduled lurk-a-thon.

julie king said...

congrats on you centennial post. smile! my favorite posts on your blog are the he said/she said ones. they make me smile!!!

Unknown said...

awww the conversation's so cute and sweet! congratulations on your 100th post! : ) i hope you have many many many more : )

lc_intocable at yahoo.com

Ellen said...

Congratulations! And while I do appreciate your design savvy, I am especially appreciative of your music ideas; I have a lot of great new songs on my iPod thanks to your discerning ear(s)! Thanks so much.

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

100 already...oh my goodness!!! I think I made just in the nick of time. I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win. Congrats!!!

Sharon said...

aaaawwwww! congrats