fun : a few favorites

Amy Ruppel

Hi Everyone -

Our list of favorites is a day early because we can not wait to see comedian Demetri Martin's new show starting on Comedy Central tonight and you can read all about it in New York magazine. His interpretation of the song Selfish Jean by Travis is great and so is that song. Happy Wednesday!

xo, Cindy

Art : Amy Ruppel creates incredible paintings using paper, oils and beeswax, which are priced from $40-130. She also has a wonderful print in her new Etsy shop for $25.

Music : Steve Forbert's sweet folk-rock has endured the test of time. Back in the day, I saw him twice in the same week. My favorite album is his first - Jack Rabbit Slim.

Paper Art : Jen Stark's paper art is incredible and so are her cool stop motion videos (via Boom).

: How to Live: A Search for Wisdom from Old People (While They Are Still on This Earth) looks wonderful as it tells stories about the search for the meaning of life from people who have actually lived it, a long time.

Yums : Carvel Ice Cream cakes (or, any favorite cake) simply because we want one!


aimee said...

these paintings are darling - great find! enjoy your show - i love having things to look forward to like that!

Michelle Brunner said...

I love these paintings! Thanks for posting!

Dallas Shaw said...

i'll be watching as well. also love amy's work. we always have similar taste!

please sir said...

CARVEL - YES! For my bdays I always love a Carvel cake - YUM! Love the bird prints too!

Anonymous said...

ooh, good ones, as always! thanks for the list!

Unknown said...

i LOVE your faves! lovely lovely!

Julia said...

Amy's work is so cute! What a great list, darling!

Cindy said...

i hope i can stay up to see it ... i've been wrestling with my sewing machine today.

Helene said...

Ok, so my mind went strainght to the ice cream. Now I got to back and read again, ehehee

Bonbon Oiseau said...

love amy ruppels work! thanks for the introuction honey!

Anonymous said...

I love Carvel cakes!!!