Wipe it clean and start a new.
Hi Everyone -
As we know, spring is the season of rebirth and this first week has me doing some serious soul-searching. Seeing the new growth, while my in-laws go through the challenges of aging, and the terrible accident that took the life of Natasha Richardson has really gotten to me. Life is fragile and not to be taken for granted. Yet, I often do.
Aimee’s wonderful post yesterday has me thinking about change and the choices I’ve made over the years. Most of them are good ones and usually work out pretty well. But, I often get comfortable and avoid the risk associated with making a make a drastic change. It's strange because I’ve had no problem working on some risky start-up businesses for others.
Since we started the blog almost a year ago, I've really learned to love photography and I’m absolutely sure I would not have discovered it beyond simple snapshots without meeting & visiting all of you. Of all my creative pursuits, it has given me the most satisfaction. It gets me up out of bed at the crack of dawn.
I realize there are many, many talented photographers out there with years of training, but I wonder if I should focus on it a little bit more intensely with real goals? Go for it and stop hiding behind 'I’m just learning' and using the abundance of talent as excuse not to take it more seriously.
We'll see, but I'm fairly certain change is on the horizon.
xo, Cindy
PS I should clarify that the photos to come are from Williamsburg, Brooklyn and they'll be diptychs - something new!
How funny - I was planning on cleaning my windows today, too!
As to photography, I got interested in photography when I started blogging a couple of months ago - or it may have been the other way around, I'm not sure... But the thing is, I'm really enjoying taking pictures (there hasn't been a single day these past months I didn't take any pictures) and I'm learning every day, by looking at what others do and just by trying and by taking one hundred shots at a time if necessary. I have a long way to go still, and I have no idea where it will bring me - but I do love it and that's what keeps me going!
Good luck, Cindy, with whatever decision you're making!
i'm with you, pascale! if you really enjoy something only good things can come from it. simply finding a creative outlet you connect with can be the reward. i think your photos are wonderful and interesting.
Your heart's inner voice might be telling you something.
I have been a fan over the years of photography on and off. You are right since I started my blog I got the bug again. I'm still learning my new camera and take a photo a day. This was the best and simple advise I was given by the experts. The thing with me is we don't get a lot of natural sunlight because of all the trees around us, but it doesn't stop me from taking not so bright photo.
Life is very short and fragile. I got a taste of this, fighting for my own life and seeing my dad lose his a year later. Follow your heart my friend, if it doesn't work as plan you at least gave it a try! xoxo
love it...do it! You're so talented and we're all here for you babe to help! (but now i'm a little upset with you for making me want to do that spring cleaning thing after all and stop living with the thick layer of winter dust...thanks a lot cindy! heeheehee...)
joyce, i'm sorry about your health battle and the loss of your dad. those lessons stay with us and there are always new ones - good and bad. wonderful photos don't always have to be bright and often they're not. i think you've learned to adapt quite well.
deb, thanks and sorry! i still have a lot more cleaning to do - that's just one window ;)!
Without a second thought! I´m sure people are thinking what took you so long! Cheers!
SUPER idea. super.
i left a post on julia from red otter's blog a while ago about how, really, you shouldn't NOT do something just because someone else is a professional.
the fact of the matter is, is that nobody can do it quite like you. nobody has your sense of style, your unique eye for a good shot, and so on - so go for it! you'll likely surprise yourself.
thank you so much jane and ms. wunderbug!
Oh my gosh Cindy...you could've taken the words right out of my mouth. I'm in the same mode and find soul searching both exciting and scary.
Go for it...you definitely have the talent and eye as well as your own unique perspective and style that we all love.
First off, I have a couple of "winter" windows that need some attention too!
I have been feeling the same way about how life is so short and the accident of Natasha Richardson was such a sad thing. In our neck of the woods, three officers were shot by one guy and another left brain dead ...they were all about my age, and left behind their families.Also, that entire family who died in the plane crash in Montana. I hate when there are so many tragedies in a row like this. I'm trying to look forward though with Spring making it's arrival here in California and seeing the beauty instead of the sadness that seems to surround us.
It will be exciting to see what you decide with your photography Cindy. I'm not technical enough to really go for it, but I truly love the medium.
Interesting thoughts. Funny how Spring can make you introspective and crave change. I say go for it.
suzanne - i hear you, it is scary.
elizabeth - the shootings were awful and the plane crash, too. i know you're right, but sometimes these things really catch my attention a little bit more than usual. as far as technical ability, i have a long way to go and see a class in my future for sure.
ms. that girl - it is interesting how these thoughts get started.
thanks to you all for the encouragement. it means A LOT!
I say DO IT! I agree - I've been feeling the same way...like oh I'm just "learning" and there are other photographers with more skills. But, after my friend said - you are too hard on yourself - you know what you are doing. I realized, hey...yeah I kind of do. And so do YOU! If you love photography, then go for it. Start setting goals and maybe even considering a shop/selling your prints. Great post!
cindy you should go for it!! Your photos are fantastic!
I agree Cindy- GO FOR IT! You're an amazingly talented gal :)
How strange I have the same thought on my blog (my last post), follow your dreams and I know you have talent and and seems like a great person too!
Inspiring - I want to do it too!!!
who know, but your stuff is good and that's what matters...
Change is always both scary and exciting. I am sure whatever you decide to do it will be great. With all your talent you will surely soar! I am a little bummed about the window cleaning photo - now I am reminded about how sorely it is needed...
I've loved watching your images shine as you've grown more and more confident! Cindy, they're beautiful! I love your eye for detail.
Cindy, what a beautiful post! you are such a talented photographer.....keep on SHINING!!
i think you are exceptionally open to change! drastic or sudden change is one way to try something new, but it's certainly not the only way. it can happen gradually, too. i've seen your beautiful photos and your personal style evolve over the past year as you've experimented with different techniques and subjects to bring out the passion, life and beauty in your work. you are continuously challenging yourself and learning with each post and that is what it is all about. i'm excited to see where you go next with your photography. thanks for inviting us along for the ride!
i love your photos....truly love them
I say go for it! You're so talented, and you have so many followers who love your work. :)
I'm sorry to hear about the accident, I hope Scott's parents are doing better. That's cute that all the senior citizen ladies love him. He wouldn't want to adopt a granddaughter would he? My grandpa's are all in heaven, and I could use a grandpa :)
I wanted to tell you, I made the big move to my new blog. I hope you get the chance to check it out! Have a great night!
Love these photographs!
You have the passion- now follow your heart!
Cindy, you certainly have a wonderful eye for photography, and I've really enjoyed seeing your photos grow with beauty and composition. I totally support the decision of change you are making and greatly look forward to seeing more photographs!
"Go for it and stop hiding behind 'I’m just learning' and using the abundance of talent as excuse not to take it more seriously."
You have hit the nail on the head with this sentence. I totally understand how you feel. I really hope you take the plunge and do it...you are so talented!!
wow, you really have no idea what your comments mean to me! you're all so talented in your own right. i won't get all sally fields winning the oscar. don't worry ;)!
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