Award winner, artist and poet laureate, Julie nominated us for the "just plain fun to read" blog award. Julie is such a warm person and an amazing collage artist - I envy her abilities ten-fold. It's always interesting to read about her reflections on life and how she deals with its twists and turns. Thank you so much Julie for the nod in our direction!
Now, the great thing about receiving this award is that you don't have to do anything other than be yourself. No racking your brain to remember your first words, or where you'll be in ten years. So, in the spirit of pay it forward, and without further a do (drum roll, please), here are my nominees for the "just plain fun to read" award as they are must reads, too:
Design For Mankind
Paper Schmaper
Please Sir
Posie Gets Cozy
xo, Cindy
Photo Credit : Out & About In NYC
Thank you Cindy - what an honor! You are such a GREAT TO READ as well!
aw! Thanks Cindy :) *blushing... I heart your blog too.
Ha, I can't think of anyone well-deserving than the just plain fun award.
aw, so cute. you are such a fun read. :)
thanks for the compliments everyone and for joining us over here in our neck of the woods!
actually, everyone in the blogroll is "just plain fun to read".
xo, c
Hey, thanks so much!!
i agree with all your choices...you included!
I couldn't agree more with Julie...a well deserved award for you and Scott.
And THANK YOU...you've totallly made my day! Off to bed with a grin from ear to ear. :)
thank you ladies and you're welcome!
aaaahhh, shucks, cindy! thanks for your kind words! i did a double-take and thought is she talking about moi?? just plain old country girl me has all of you fooled, i guess. thanks for being a good blogger friend!
no, thank you julie ;)! we feel the same way, just plain old city folks doing this and that.
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