
Photo Credit : Boston.com*

The post title means "We love the Olympics" in simple Chinese thanks to Cindy's friend Kellen who was born in Taiwan (she also makes the prettiest jewelry). We watch a lot of the coverage and
enjoy the swimming, diving, gymnastics, track & field, everything, including archery. Scott wants to make sure we mention beach volleyball, oh brother!

Photo Credit : Robert Maxwell

One person we'll be paying close attention to is 41-year old swimming Mom Dara Torres who proves age is just a number. Oh yes she does. Go Dara!

Photo Credit : Unknown, but it's made from flowers

Beijing is proving to be an interesting site already, so let's hope all goes well. We're a little bit worried in light of the recent terrorist attack. In addition, the pollution situation should be an eye-opener as China is the second largest consumer of oil in the world, although the US is the biggest hog by far. But, since we don't wear masks or have smog indoors, we might have more regulations when it comes to pollution.

Photo Credit : Jurie Maree/Dreamstime.com

Oh, and did you hear that China can control the weather and will do so for the Olympics? Here's what they do per How Stuff Works, "Heavy weapons are used to launch pellets containing silver iodide into clouds. Silver iodide is thought to concentrate moisture and cause rain. The process is known as cloud seeding ..."

It's a little bit scary to us and might explain why it rains on holiday weekends once people get to their destinations. Can you imagine if Brides could start controlling the weather for their wedding days? Godzilla > Bridezilla > Weatherzilla - ugh!

Photo Credit : Official Olympic Site

Anyway, got a little bit off topic for a moment. Good luck to ALL of the athletes. Have a "gold medal" weekend everyone (jeez, we are so corny)!

*Changed logo to something really exciting - fireworks! Found the photo on Yahoo, but liked the link to Boston.com better thanks to
Oh Happy Day.

xo, Cindy + Scott


Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

I can't stop think about those abs. Is that seriously REAL?!? Happy 8.8.8!

Cindy said...

i think they're real and they're spectacular! i have one pack, five more to go - hahaha!

Julia said...

Holy cow, I can't believe she's a MOM! Wow! This was a very fun little shout out for the summer olympics! They will be exciting to follow!

Have a great weekend!

Elizabeth said...

For one, or shall I say more than one day, I would love to have Dara Torres' body! I love her,she has such a great personality. Don't you think that aquatics "Cube" is cool!! I love the swimming events,since my husband was a big time swimmer in high school and college,and the track and field events are special too. My brother almost made the Olympic track team many years ago. I look forward to the games and all the amazing stories behind the athletes. Great post Cindy :)

Anonymous said...

Good god, her body is ridiculous! How does one become so FIT?? (by being an Olympic swimmer, I guess....) I'd rather be an artist. :)

Jessie Cacciola said...

i adore corny -- great post! enjoy your weekend, cindy! xo

Anonymous said...

great post cindy + scott! have a great weekend px

Stacy said...

holy crap. look at her stomach. that is unreal.

/// said...

Oh I love Dara! I'm a former swimmer and remember watching her swim in total awe...

Cindy said...

julia - thank you!
elizabeth - your husband has got it goin' on rock band and big time swimmer! and yes, the Cube is very, very cool.
jess - i know and me too!
jessie and pia - thanks and same to you!
stacy - and her arms!
erin - so cool to be able to follow her for several years and she doesn't have green hair.

it's a bit irritating that they all look so good in goggles and bathing caps, too ;)!

xo, cindy

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

Me too! I'm so excited about the olympics and so inspired by Dara...a fellow 60s kid. :)

Now...off to work on my abs.

Have a great weekend Cindy and Scott.

Bonbon Oiseau said...

very exciting stuff...and are the opening ceremonies not unbelievably amazing!!!?

Cindy said...

they were stunning - the printing press was amazing!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog! I just stumbled upon your blog today. Will be following it from now on!:)

Cindy said...

hi berryberr - thanks and yay!

please sir said...

Crazy abs - Olympic fever baby!

Cindy said...

you know it diana! yay dara and michael phelps!

Mrs.French said...

I get so confused when I see photos of Ms. Torres's abs....they just look so darn similar to my own...(I wish).

Cindy said...

you're so cute mrs.french!