Beach Bunny: "We love surfing, but in the interest of full disclosure, we don't do it."
Kahuna: "Actually, we have experienced the "washing machine spin-cycle" in the ocean from mere ankle busters."
Beach Bunny: "Yeah, total wipe outs!"
Kahuna: "But, we think surf-style and extreme surfers like Greg Noll and Laird Hamilton are really cool."
Beach Bunny: "Some of our favorite surfing movies include: Endless Summer, Riding Giants and Step Into Liquid."
Kahuna: "Skateboarding looks rad, too. I was stoked about the Rob + Big episode where Rob broke all of those world records."
She: "I think I could skateboard."
Kahuna: "That's bogus, you're osteopenic and might break a hip!"
Beach Bunny: "Bummer, maybe they have training wheels, or a baby walker for skateboarding?"
Kahuna: "I think you've got the "walker" part right!"
He: "We might have gone over the top with this one and not in a good way."
She: "I think we might get kicked off the Internet."
He: "Can they do that, whoever "they" are?"
She: "I don't know; there's always a first time."
He: "Well, we can't promise that it won't happen again. Cindy just started muttering something about Lucha Libre with a crazy look in her eye. Stay tuned."
Note: Most of the surfing slang came from here.
Photo Credit : Surf Art
no way would they kick you off the internet. this blog is so much fun to read! keep it up beach bunny and (big) kahuna!!!
thanks for the support julie!. i think we got a little carried away by the wave ;).
ha. i love it!
shoo erin - you're supposed to be taking a break ;)!
haha! So great.
we're still here!
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